Commit c9246615 authored by Just van Rossum's avatar Just van Rossum

edits to make the 2.0 copyright fit in the about box again... (jvr)

parent a1a33564
......@@ -70,14 +70,12 @@ import sys
_keepsplashscreenopen = 0
abouttext1 = """The Python Integrated Developement Environment for the Macintosh
abouttext1 = """The Python Integrated Development Environment for the Macintosh
Version: %s
Copyright 1997-2000 Just van Rossum, Letterror. <>
Python %s
Written by Guido van Rossum with Jack Jansen (and others)
See: <> for information and documentation."""
flauwekul = [ 'Goodday, Bruce.',
......@@ -93,8 +91,11 @@ at any place . . . he is ready to become . . .
Bicycle Repair Man!"""
def skipdoublereturns(text):
return string.replace(text, '\n\n', '\n')
def nl2return(text):
return string.join(string.split(text, '\n'), '\r')
return string.replace(text, '\n', '\r')
def UpdateSplash(drawdialog = 0, what = 0):
if drawdialog:
......@@ -109,11 +110,11 @@ def drawtext(what = 0):
fontID = geneva
rect = (10, 125, 390, 260)
rect = (10, 115, 390, 290)
if not what:
import __main__
abouttxt = nl2return(abouttext1 \
% (__main__.__version__, sys.version, sys.copyright))
abouttxt = nl2return(abouttext1 % (
__main__.__version__, sys.version, skipdoublereturns(sys.copyright)))
import random
abouttxt = nl2return(random.choice(flauwekul))
......@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ def wait():
time = Evt.TickCount()
whattext = 0
while _keepsplashscreenopen:
ok, event = Evt.EventAvail(highLevelEventMask)
) ok, event = Evt.EventAvail(highLevelEventMask)
if ok:
# got apple event, back to mainloop
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