Commit cb18b95a authored by Berker Peksag's avatar Berker Peksag

Issue #20898: Add a "HTTP status codes" section to avoid duplication in HTTP docs.

This commit also removes a couple of non-standard status codes. They were
added as part of edf669b13482, so there is no backwards compatibility issue.

Patch by Demian Brecht.
parent ed741d4f
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
**Source code:** :source:`Lib/http/`
:mod:`http` is a also package that collects several modules for working with the
:mod:`http` is a package that collects several modules for working with the
HyperText Transfer Protocol:
* :mod:`http.client` is a low-level HTTP protocol client; for high-level URL
......@@ -45,85 +45,79 @@ associated messages through the :class:`http.HTTPStatus` enum:
>>> list(HTTPStatus)
[<HTTPStatus.CONTINUE: 100>, <HTTPStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS: 101>, ...]
The supported HTTP status codes are:
=== ==============================
100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
102 Processing
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
207 Multi-Status
208 Already Reported
226 IM Used
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy
306 Switch Proxy
307 Temporary Redirect
308 Permanent Redirect
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Request Range Not Satisfiable
417 Expectation Failed
418 I'm a teapot
419 Authentication Timeout
420 Method Failure *(Spring framework)*
422 Unprocessable Entity
423 Locked
424 Failed Dependency
426 Upgrade Required
428 Precondition Required
429 Too Many Requests
431 Request Header Field Too Large
440 Login Timeout *(Microsoft)*
444 No Response *(Nginx)*
449 Retry With *(Microsoft)*
450 Blocked By Windows Parental Controls *(Microsoft)*
494 Request Header Too Large *(Nginx)*
495 Cert Error *(Nginx)*
496 No Cert *(Nginx)*
497 HTTP To HTTPS *(Nginx)*
499 Client Closed Request *(Nginx)*
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported
506 Variant Also Negotiates
507 Insufficient Storage
508 Loop Detected
509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
510 Not Extended
511 Network Authentication Required
520 Origin Error *(CloudFlare)*
521 Web Server Is Down *(CloudFlare)*
522 Connection Timed Out *(CloudFlare)*
523 Proxy Declined Request *(CloudFlare)*
524 A Timeout Occurred *(CloudFlare)*
598 Network Read Timeout Error
599 Network Connect Timeout Error
=== ==============================
.. _http-status-codes:
HTTP status codes
`IANA-registered <>`_
status codes available in :class:`http.HTTPStatus` are:
======= =================================== ==================================================================
Code Enum Name Details
======= =================================== ==================================================================
``100`` ``CONTINUE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.2.1
``101`` ``SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.2.2
``102`` ``PROCESSING`` WebDAV :rfc:`2518`, Section 10.1
``200`` ``OK`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.1
``201`` ``CREATED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.2
``202`` ``ACCEPTED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.3
``203`` ``NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.4
``204`` ``NO_CONTENT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.5
``205`` ``RESET_CONTENT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.6
``206`` ``PARTIAL_CONTENT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7233`, Section 4.1
``207`` ``MULTI_STATUS`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.1
``208`` ``ALREADY_REPORTED`` WebDAV Binding Extensions :rfc:`5842`, Section 7.1 (Experimental)
``226`` ``IM_USED`` Delta Encoding in HTTP :rfc:`3229`, Section 10.4.1
``300`` ``MULTIPLE_CHOICES`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.1
``301`` ``MOVED_PERMANENTLY`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.2
``302`` ``FOUND`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.3
``303`` ``SEE_OTHER`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.4
``304`` ``NOT_MODIFIED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7232`, Section 4.1
``305`` ``USE_PROXY`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.5
``307`` ``TEMPORARY_REDIRECT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.7
``308`` ``PERMANENT_REDIRECT`` Permanent Redirect :rfc:`7238`, Section 3 (Experimental)
``400`` ``BAD_REQUEST`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.1
``401`` ``UNAUTHORIZED`` HTTP/1.1 Authentication :rfc:`7235`, Section 3.1
``402`` ``PAYMENT_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.2
``403`` ``FORBIDDEN`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.3
``404`` ``NOT_FOUND`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.4
``405`` ``METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.5
``406`` ``NOT_ACCEPTABLE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.6
``407`` ``PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 Authentication :rfc:`7235`, Section 3.2
``408`` ``REQUEST_TIMEOUT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.7
``409`` ``CONFLICT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.8
``410`` ``GONE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.9
``411`` ``LENGTH_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.10
``412`` ``PRECONDITION_FAILED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7232`, Section 4.2
``413`` ``REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.11
``414`` ``REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.12
``415`` ``UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.13
``416`` ``REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE`` HTTP/1.1 Range Requests :rfc:`7233`, Section 4.4
``417`` ``EXPECTATION_FAILED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.14
``422`` ``UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.2
``423`` ``LOCKED`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.3
``424`` ``FAILED_DEPENDENCY`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.4
``426`` ``UPGRADE_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.15
``428`` ``PRECONDITION_REQUIRED`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`
``429`` ``TOO_MANY_REQUESTS`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`
``431`` ``REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`
``500`` ``INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.1
``501`` ``NOT_IMPLEMENTED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.2
``502`` ``BAD_GATEWAY`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.3
``503`` ``SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.4
``504`` ``GATEWAY_TIMEOUT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.5
``505`` ``HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.6
``506`` ``VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES`` Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP :rfc:`2295`, Section 8.1 (Experimental)
``507`` ``INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.5
``508`` ``LOOP_DETECTED`` WebDAV Binding Extensions :rfc:`5842`, Section 7.2 (Experimental)
``510`` ``NOT_EXTENDED`` An HTTP Extension Framework :rfc:`2774`, Section 7 (Experimental)
``511`` ``NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`, Section 6
======= =================================== ==================================================================
In order to preserve backwards compatibility, enum values are also present
in the :mod:`http.client` and :mod:`http.server` modules in the form of
constants. The enum name is equal to the constant name (i.e.
``http.HTTPStatus.OK`` is also available as ``http.client.OK`` and
......@@ -13,16 +13,8 @@ class HTTPStatus(IntEnum):
* RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for WebDAV, obsoletes 2518
* RFC 5842: Binding Extensions to WebDAV
* RFC 7238: Permanent Redirect
* RFC 2324: Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)
* RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP
* RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework
Non-standard vendor codes include:
* Spring framework: 420
* Nginx: 444, 494, 495, 496, 497, 499
* Microsoft: 440, 449, 450
* Cloudflare: 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 598, 599
def __new__(cls, value, phrase, description=''):
obj = int.__new__(cls, value)
......@@ -63,7 +55,6 @@ class HTTPStatus(IntEnum):
'Document has not changed since given time')
USE_PROXY = (305, 'Use Proxy',
'You must use proxy specified in Location to access this resource')
SWITCH_PROXY = 306, 'Switch Proxy'
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = (307, 'Temporary Redirect',
'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list')
PERMANENT_REDIRECT = (308, 'Permanent Redirect',
......@@ -107,9 +98,6 @@ class HTTPStatus(IntEnum):
'Cannot satisfy request range')
EXPECTATION_FAILED = (417, 'Expectation Failed',
'Expect condition could not be satisfied')
IM_A_TEAPOT = 418, 'I\'m a teapot'
AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT = 419, 'Authentication Timeout'
METHOD_FAILURE = 420, 'Method Failure' # Spring framework
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422, 'Unprocessable Entity'
LOCKED = 423, 'Locked'
FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424, 'Failed Dependency'
......@@ -123,16 +111,6 @@ class HTTPStatus(IntEnum):
'Request Header Field Too Large',
'The server is unwilling to process the request because its header '
'fields are too large')
LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 440, 'Login Timeout' # microsoft
NO_RESPONSE = 444, 'No Response' # nginx
RETRY_WITH = 449, 'Retry With' # microsoft
'Blocked By Windows Parental Controls') # microsoft
REQUEST_HEADER_TOO_LARGE = 494, 'Request Header Too Large' # nginx
CERT_ERROR = 495, 'Cert Error' # nginx
NO_CERT = 496, 'No Cert' # nginx
HTTP_TO_HTTPS = 497, 'HTTP To HTTPS' # nginx
CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST = 499, 'Client Closed Request' # nginx
# server errors
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = (500, 'Internal Server Error',
......@@ -150,15 +128,7 @@ class HTTPStatus(IntEnum):
VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES = 506, 'Variant Also Negotiates'
INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507, 'Insufficient Storage'
LOOP_DETECTED = 508, 'Loop Detected'
BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 509, 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded'
NOT_EXTENDED = 510, 'Not Extended'
'Network Authentication Required',
'The client needs to authenticate to gain network access')
ORIGIN_ERROR = 520, 'Origin Error' # cloudflare
WEB_SERVER_IS_DOWN = 521, 'Web Server Is Down' # cloudflare
CONNECTON_TIMED_OUT = 522, 'Connection Timed Out' # cloudflare
PROXY_DECLINED_REQUEST = 523, 'Proxy Declined Request' # cloudflare
A_TIMEOUT_OCCURRED = 524, 'A Timeout Occurred', '' # cloudflare
NETWORK_READ_TIMEOUT_ERROR = 598, 'Network Read Timeout Error'
NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR = 599, 'Network Connect Timeout Error'
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