Commit cb491529 authored by Skip Montanaro's avatar Skip Montanaro

final bit of tests converted from test_sre

parent 71a89eb7
......@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual('x*', 'axx').span(), (0, 0))
self.assertEqual('x+', 'axx').span(0), (1, 3))
self.assertEqual('x+', 'axx').span(), (1, 3))
self.assertEqual('x', 'aaa') is None, True)
self.assertEqual('x', 'aaa'), None)
self.assertEqual(re.match('a*', 'xxx').span(0), (0, 0))
self.assertEqual(re.match('a*', 'xxx').span(), (0, 0))
self.assertEqual(re.match('x*', 'xxxa').span(0), (0, 3))
self.assertEqual(re.match('x*', 'xxxa').span(), (0, 3))
self.assertEqual(re.match('a+', 'xxx') is None, True)
self.assertEqual(re.match('a+', 'xxx'), None)
def bump_num(self, matchobj):
int_value = int(
......@@ -133,13 +133,16 @@ class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
(":", ":"),
(":", "::")])
def test_bug_117612(self):
self.assertEqual(re.findall(r"(a|(b))", "aba"),
[("a", ""),("b", "b"),("a", "")])
def test_re_match(self):
# No groups at all
m = re.match('a', 'a')
self.assertEqual(m.groups(), ())
# A single group
m = re.match('(a)', 'a')
self.assertEqual(m.groups(), ('a',))
self.assertEqual(re.match('a', 'a').groups(), ())
self.assertEqual(re.match('(a)', 'a').groups(), ('a',))
self.assertEqual(re.match(r'(a)', 'a').group(0), 'a')
self.assertEqual(re.match(r'(a)', 'a').group(1), 'a')
self.assertEqual(re.match(r'(a)', 'a').group(1, 1), ('a', 'a'))
pat = re.compile('((a)|(b))(c)?')
self.assertEqual(pat.match('a').groups(), ('a', 'a', None, None))
......@@ -264,6 +267,20 @@ class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
(['sum', 'op=', 3, 'op*', 'foo', 'op+', 312.5,
'op+', 'bar'], ''))
def test_bug_448951(self):
# bug 448951 (similar to 429357, but with single char match)
# (Also test greedy matches.)
for op in '','?','*':
self.assertEqual(re.match(r'((.%s):)?z'%op, 'z').groups(),
(None, None))
self.assertEqual(re.match(r'((.%s):)?z'%op, 'a:z').groups(),
('a:', 'a'))
def test_finditer(self):
iter = re.finditer(r":+", "a:b::c:::d")
self.assertEqual([ for item in iter],
[":", "::", ":::"])
def run_re_tests():
from test.re_tests import benchmarks, tests, SUCCEED, FAIL, SYNTAX_ERROR
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