Commit cc168ab7 authored by Éric Araujo's avatar Éric Araujo

Fix packaging.database.Distribution.list_distinfo_files (#12785).

This method was supposed to return only the file under the dist-info
directory, but it actually returned all installed files.

The tests didn’t catch this because they were flawed; I updated them.
Thanks to Nadeem Vawda and Jeremy Kloth for testing.

As a bonus, the removal of os.path.relpath use should also fix the
Windows buildbots.
parent 78959517
......@@ -263,7 +263,9 @@ class Distribution:
:returns: iterator of paths
for path, checksum, size in self._get_records(local):
yield path
# XXX add separator or use real relpath algo
if path.startswith(self.path):
yield path
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Distribution) and self.path == other.path
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import csv
import sys
import shutil
import tempfile
from os.path import relpath # separate import for backport concerns
from hashlib import md5
from textwrap import dedent
......@@ -32,11 +31,11 @@ def get_hexdigest(filename):
return checksum.hexdigest()
def record_pieces(file):
path = relpath(file, sys.prefix)
digest = get_hexdigest(file)
size = os.path.getsize(file)
return [path, digest, size]
def record_pieces(path):
path = os.path.join(*path)
digest = get_hexdigest(path)
size = os.path.getsize(path)
return path, digest, size
class FakeDistsMixin:
......@@ -141,12 +140,10 @@ class TestDistribution(CommonDistributionTests, unittest.TestCase):
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(dist_location):
for f in files:
os.path.join(path, f)))
record_writer.writerow(record_pieces((path, f)))
os.path.join(distinfo_dir, file)))
record_writer.writerow([relpath(record_file, sys.prefix)])
record_writer.writerow(record_pieces((distinfo_dir, file)))
with open(record_file) as file:
record_reader = csv.reader(file, lineterminator='\n')
......@@ -171,15 +168,17 @@ class TestDistribution(CommonDistributionTests, unittest.TestCase):
distinfo_name + '.dist-info')
true_path = [self.fake_dists_path, distinfo_name,
'grammar', '']
true_path = relpath(os.path.join(*true_path), sys.prefix)
true_path = os.path.join(*true_path)
false_path = [self.fake_dists_path, 'towel_stuff-0.1', 'towel_stuff',
false_path = relpath(os.path.join(*false_path), sys.prefix)
false_path = os.path.join(*false_path)
# Test if the distribution uses the file in question
dist = Distribution(distinfo_dir)
self.assertTrue(dist.uses(true_path), 'dist %r is supposed to use %r' %
(dist, true_path))
self.assertFalse(dist.uses(false_path), 'dist %r is not supposed to '
'use %r' % (dist, true_path))
def test_get_distinfo_file(self):
# Test the retrieval of dist-info file objects.
......@@ -215,20 +214,23 @@ class TestDistribution(CommonDistributionTests, unittest.TestCase):
def test_list_distinfo_files(self):
# Test for the iteration of RECORD path entries.
distinfo_name = 'towel_stuff-0.1'
distinfo_dir = os.path.join(self.fake_dists_path,
distinfo_name + '.dist-info')
dist = Distribution(distinfo_dir)
# Test for the iteration of the raw path
distinfo_record_paths = self.records[distinfo_dir].keys()
distinfo_files = [os.path.join(distinfo_dir, filename) for filename in
found = dist.list_distinfo_files()
self.assertEqual(sorted(found), sorted(distinfo_record_paths))
self.assertEqual(sorted(found), sorted(distinfo_files))
# Test for the iteration of local absolute paths
distinfo_record_paths = [os.path.join(sys.prefix, path)
for path in self.records[distinfo_dir]]
found = dist.list_distinfo_files(local=True)
self.assertEqual(sorted(found), sorted(distinfo_record_paths))
distinfo_files = [os.path.join(sys.prefix, distinfo_dir, path) for
path in distinfo_files]
found = sorted(dist.list_distinfo_files(local=True))
if os.sep != '/':
self.assertNotIn('/', found[0])
self.assertIn(os.sep, found[0])
self.assertEqual(found, sorted(distinfo_files))
def test_get_resources_path(self):
distinfo_name = 'babar-0.1'
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