Commit cc98887e authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Remove unused variables in parsetok().

parent 7b250a5c
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ parsetok(struct tok_state *tok, grammar *g, int start, perrdetail *err_ret,
parser_state *ps;
node *n;
int started = 0, handling_import = 0, handling_with = 0;
int started = 0;
if ((ps = PyParser_New(g, start)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "no mem for new parser\n");
......@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ parsetok(struct tok_state *tok, grammar *g, int start, perrdetail *err_ret,
if (type == ENDMARKER && started) {
type = NEWLINE; /* Add an extra newline */
handling_with = handling_import = 0;
started = 0;
/* Add the right number of dedent tokens,
except if a certain flag is given --
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