Commit ce584d42 authored by Eric Smith's avatar Eric Smith

Moved test_format into the correct TestCase.

parent af16ece1
......@@ -1973,45 +1973,6 @@ class BuiltinTest(unittest.TestCase):
return i
self.assertRaises(ValueError, zip, BadSeq(), BadSeq())
class TestSorted(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
data = range(100)
copy = data[:]
self.assertEqual(data, sorted(copy))
self.assertNotEqual(data, copy)
self.assertEqual(data, sorted(copy, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(y,x)))
self.assertNotEqual(data, copy)
self.assertEqual(data, sorted(copy, key=lambda x: -x))
self.assertNotEqual(data, copy)
self.assertEqual(data, sorted(copy, reverse=1))
self.assertNotEqual(data, copy)
def test_inputtypes(self):
s = 'abracadabra'
types = [list, tuple]
if have_unicode:
types.insert(0, unicode)
for T in types:
self.assertEqual(sorted(s), sorted(T(s)))
s = ''.join(dict.fromkeys(s).keys()) # unique letters only
types = [set, frozenset, list, tuple, dict.fromkeys]
if have_unicode:
types.insert(0, unicode)
for T in types:
self.assertEqual(sorted(s), sorted(T(s)))
def test_baddecorator(self):
data = 'The quick Brown fox Jumped over The lazy Dog'.split()
self.assertRaises(TypeError, sorted, data, None, lambda x,y: 0)
def test_format(self):
# Test the basic machinery of the format() builtin. Don't test
# the specifics of the various formatters
......@@ -2107,6 +2068,45 @@ class TestSorted(unittest.TestCase):
class DerivedFromStr(str): pass
self.assertEqual(format(0, DerivedFromStr('10')), ' 0')
class TestSorted(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
data = range(100)
copy = data[:]
self.assertEqual(data, sorted(copy))
self.assertNotEqual(data, copy)
self.assertEqual(data, sorted(copy, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(y,x)))
self.assertNotEqual(data, copy)
self.assertEqual(data, sorted(copy, key=lambda x: -x))
self.assertNotEqual(data, copy)
self.assertEqual(data, sorted(copy, reverse=1))
self.assertNotEqual(data, copy)
def test_inputtypes(self):
s = 'abracadabra'
types = [list, tuple]
if have_unicode:
types.insert(0, unicode)
for T in types:
self.assertEqual(sorted(s), sorted(T(s)))
s = ''.join(dict.fromkeys(s).keys()) # unique letters only
types = [set, frozenset, list, tuple, dict.fromkeys]
if have_unicode:
types.insert(0, unicode)
for T in types:
self.assertEqual(sorted(s), sorted(T(s)))
def test_baddecorator(self):
data = 'The quick Brown fox Jumped over The lazy Dog'.split()
self.assertRaises(TypeError, sorted, data, None, lambda x,y: 0)
def test_main(verbose=None):
test_classes = (BuiltinTest, TestSorted)
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