Commit cfb68218 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

#7909: the prefixes \\.\ and \\?\ indicate special Windows paths, do not try...

#7909: the prefixes \\.\ and \\?\ indicate special Windows paths, do not try to manipulate them.  See for details.
parent a8867b41
......@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ def _get_colon(path):
return ':'
def _get_special(path):
if isinstance(path, bytes):
return (b'\\\\.\\', b'\\\\?\\')
return ('\\\\.\\', '\\\\?\\')
# Normalize the case of a pathname and map slashes to backslashes.
# Other normalizations (such as optimizing '../' away) are not done
# (this is done by normpath).
......@@ -524,6 +530,13 @@ def normpath(path):
"""Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc."""
sep = _get_sep(path)
dotdot = _get_dot(path) * 2
special_prefixes = _get_special(path)
if path.startswith(special_prefixes):
# in the case of paths with these prefixes:
# \\.\ -> device names
# \\?\ -> literal paths
# do not do any normalization, but return the path unchanged
return path
path = path.replace(_get_altsep(path), sep)
prefix, path = splitdrive(path)
......@@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ class TestNtpath(unittest.TestCase):
tester("ntpath.normpath('C:////a/b')", r'C:\a\b')
tester("ntpath.normpath('//machine/share//a/b')", r'\\machine\share\a\b')
tester("ntpath.normpath('\\\\.\\NUL')", r'\\.\NUL')
tester("ntpath.normpath('\\\\?\\D:/XY\\Z')", r'\\?\D:/XY\Z')
def test_expandvars(self):
with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
......@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #7909: Do not touch paths with the special prefixes ``\\.\``
or ``\\?\`` in ntpath.normpath().
- Issue #1286: Allow using fileinput.FileInput as a context manager.
- Add lfu_cache() and lru_cache() decorators to the functools module.
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