Commit d068f1f9 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Update typing docs based on a patch by Daniel Andrade Groppe.

parent 1af80929
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ subscription to denote expected types for container elements.
overrides: Mapping[str, str]) -> None: ...
Generics can be parametrized by using a new factory available in typing
called TypeVar.
called :class:`TypeVar`.
.. code-block:: python
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ This is thus invalid::
class Pair(Generic[T, T]): # INVALID
You can use multiple inheritance with `Generic`::
You can use multiple inheritance with :class:`Generic`::
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Sized
......@@ -154,6 +154,17 @@ You can use multiple inheritance with `Generic`::
class LinkedList(Sized, Generic[T]):
When inheriting from generic classes, some type variables could fixed::
from typing import TypeVar, Mapping
T = TypeVar('T')
class MyDict(Mapping[str, T]):
In this case ``MyDict`` has a single parameter, ``T``.
Subclassing a generic class without specifying type parameters assumes
:class:`Any` for each position. In the following example, ``MyIterable`` is
not generic but implicitly inherits from ``Iterable[Any]``::
......@@ -162,7 +173,11 @@ not generic but implicitly inherits from ``Iterable[Any]``::
class MyIterable(Iterable): # Same as Iterable[Any]
Generic metaclasses are not supported.
The metaclass used by :class:`Generic` is a subclass of :class:`abc.ABCMeta`.
A generic class can be an ABC by including abstract methods or properties,
and generic classes can also have ABCs as base classes without a metaclass
conflict. Generic metaclasses are not supported.
The :class:`Any` type
......@@ -178,15 +193,6 @@ when a value has type :class:`Any`, the type checker will allow all operations
on it, and a value of type :class:`Any` can be assigned to a variable (or used
as a return value) of a more constrained type.
Default argument values
Use a literal ellipsis ``...`` to declare an argument as having a default value::
from typing import AnyStr
def foo(x: AnyStr, y: AnyStr = ...) -> AnyStr: ...
Classes, functions, and decorators
......@@ -236,7 +242,11 @@ The module defines the following classes, functions and decorators:
Type variables may be marked covariant or contravariant by passing
``covariant=True`` or ``contravariant=True``. See :pep:`484` for more
details. By default type variables are invariant.
details. By default type variables are invariant. Alternatively,
a type variable may specify an upper bound using ``bound=<type>``.
This means that an actual type substituted (explicitly or implictly)
for the type variable must be a subclass of the boundary type,
see :pep:`484`.
.. class:: Union
......@@ -329,30 +339,59 @@ The module defines the following classes, functions and decorators:
.. class:: Iterable(Generic[T_co])
A generic version of the :class:``.
.. class:: Iterator(Iterable[T_co])
A generic version of the :class:``.
.. class:: SupportsInt
An ABC with one abstract method `__int__`.
.. class:: SupportsFloat
An ABC with one abstract method `__float__`.
.. class:: SupportsAbs
An ABC with one abstract method `__abs__` that is covariant
in its return type.
.. class:: SupportsRound
An ABC with one abstract method `__round__`
that is covariant in its return type.
.. class:: Reversible
An ABC with one abstract method `__reversed__` returning
an `Iterator[T_co]`.
.. class:: Container(Generic[T_co])
A generic version of :class:``.
.. class:: AbstractSet(Sized, Iterable[T_co], Container[T_co])
A generic version of :class:``.
.. class:: MutableSet(AbstractSet[T])
.. class:: Mapping(Sized, Iterable[KT_co], Container[KT_co], Generic[KT_co, VT_co])
A generic version of :class:``.
.. class:: Mapping(Sized, Iterable[KT], Container[KT], Generic[VT_co])
A generic version of :class:``.
.. class:: MutableMapping(Mapping[KT, VT])
A generic version of :class:``.
.. class:: Sequence(Sized, Iterable[T_co], Container[T_co])
A generic version of :class:``.
.. class:: MutableSequence(Sequence[T])
A generic version of :class:``.
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