Commit d08011a0 authored by Finn Bock's avatar Finn Bock

Moved a print statement outside the jython platform test. Otherwise

the output fails to compare correctly for jython. This change was part
of the original patch #403666.
parent 4ab7adbd
......@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ func()
verify(g['c'] == 3,
'Could not create a proper function object')
print 'new.code()'
# bogus test of new.code()
# Note: Jython will never have new.code()
if hasattr(new, 'code'):
print 'new.code()'
d = new.code(3, 3, 3, 3, codestr, (), (), (),
"<string>", "<name>", 1, "", (), ())
# test backwards-compatibility version with no freevars or cellvars
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