Commit d327ae6b authored by Eric V. Smith's avatar Eric V. Smith Committed by GitHub

Fix dataclasses docstring typo. (gh-5118)

parent 7f7de371
......@@ -712,9 +712,9 @@ def make_dataclass(cls_name, fields, *, bases=(), namespace=None, init=True,
The dataclass name will be 'cls_name'. 'fields' is an iterable
of either (name), (name, type) or (name, type, Field) objects. If type is
omitted, use the string 'typing.Any'. Field objects are created by
calling 'field(name, type [, Field])'.
the equivalent of calling 'field(name, type [, Field-info])'.
C = make_class('C', [('a', int', ('b', int, Field(init=False))], bases=Base)
C = make_class('C', ['x', ('y', int'), ('z', int, Field(init=False))], bases=[Base])
is equivalent to:
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