Commit d40f3c60 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

New universal headers

parent 73215147
# Generated from 'Sap:CodeWarrior6:Metrowerks C/C++:Headers:Universal Headers 2.0.1f:Events.h'
# Generated from 'Sap:CodeWarrior7:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Events.h'
nullEvent = 0
mouseDown = 1
......@@ -39,6 +39,16 @@ controlKey = 0x1000
rightShiftKey = 0x2000
rightOptionKey = 0x4000
rightControlKey = 0x8000
activeFlagBit = 0
btnStateBit = 7
cmdKeyBit = 8
shiftKeyBit = 9
alphaLockBit = 10
optionKeyBit = 11
controlKeyBit = 12
rightShiftKeyBit = 13
rightOptionKeyBit = 14
rightControlKeyBit = 15
networkEvt = 10
driverEvt = 11
app1Evt = 12
# Generated from 'Sap:CodeWarrior6:Metrowerks C/C++:Headers:Universal Headers 2.0.1f:Sound.h'
# Generated from 'Sap:CodeWarrior7:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Sound.h'
soundListRsrc = 'snd '
rate44khz = 0xAC440000L
......@@ -98,6 +98,5 @@ secondSoundFormat = 0x0002
dbBufferReady = 0x00000001
dbLastBuffer = 0x00000004
sysBeepDisable = 0x0000
sysBeepEnable = 0x0001
unitTypeNoSelection = 0xFFFF
unitTypeSeconds = 0x0000
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static PyObject *Evt_SetEventMask(_self, _args)
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
MacOSEventMask value;
EventMask value;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ static PyObject *Evt_GetNextEvent(_self, _args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
MacOSEventMask eventMask;
EventMask eventMask;
EventRecord theEvent;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ static PyObject *Evt_WaitNextEvent(_self, _args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
MacOSEventMask eventMask;
EventMask eventMask;
EventRecord theEvent;
UInt32 sleep;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hl",
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ static PyObject *Evt_EventAvail(_self, _args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
MacOSEventMask eventMask;
EventMask eventMask;
EventRecord theEvent;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ static PyObject *Evt_PostEvent(_self, _args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
MacOSEventKind eventNum;
EventKind eventNum;
UInt32 eventMsg;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hl",
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ static PyObject *Evt_OSEventAvail(_self, _args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
MacOSEventMask mask;
EventMask mask;
EventRecord theEvent;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static PyObject *Evt_GetOSEvent(_self, _args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
MacOSEventMask mask;
EventMask mask;
EventRecord theEvent;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
......@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ static PyObject *Evt_FlushEvents(_self, _args)
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
MacOSEventMask whichMask;
MacOSEventMask stopMask;
EventMask whichMask;
EventMask stopMask;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
......@@ -356,15 +356,15 @@ static PyMethodDef Evt_methods[] = {
{"GetCaretTime", (PyCFunction)Evt_GetCaretTime, 1,
"() -> (UInt32 _rv)"},
{"SetEventMask", (PyCFunction)Evt_SetEventMask, 1,
"(MacOSEventMask value) -> None"},
"(EventMask value) -> None"},
{"GetDblTime", (PyCFunction)Evt_GetDblTime, 1,
"() -> (UInt32 _rv)"},
{"GetNextEvent", (PyCFunction)Evt_GetNextEvent, 1,
"(MacOSEventMask eventMask) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
"(EventMask eventMask) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
{"WaitNextEvent", (PyCFunction)Evt_WaitNextEvent, 1,
"(MacOSEventMask eventMask, UInt32 sleep) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
"(EventMask eventMask, UInt32 sleep) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
{"EventAvail", (PyCFunction)Evt_EventAvail, 1,
"(MacOSEventMask eventMask) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
"(EventMask eventMask) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
{"GetMouse", (PyCFunction)Evt_GetMouse, 1,
"() -> (Point mouseLoc)"},
{"Button", (PyCFunction)Evt_Button, 1,
......@@ -378,13 +378,13 @@ static PyMethodDef Evt_methods[] = {
{"TickCount", (PyCFunction)Evt_TickCount, 1,
"() -> (UInt32 _rv)"},
{"PostEvent", (PyCFunction)Evt_PostEvent, 1,
"(MacOSEventKind eventNum, UInt32 eventMsg) -> None"},
"(EventKind eventNum, UInt32 eventMsg) -> None"},
{"OSEventAvail", (PyCFunction)Evt_OSEventAvail, 1,
"(MacOSEventMask mask) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
"(EventMask mask) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
{"GetOSEvent", (PyCFunction)Evt_GetOSEvent, 1,
"(MacOSEventMask mask) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
"(EventMask mask) -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
{"FlushEvents", (PyCFunction)Evt_FlushEvents, 1,
"(MacOSEventMask whichMask, MacOSEventMask stopMask) -> None"},
"(EventMask whichMask, EventMask stopMask) -> None"},
{"SystemClick", (PyCFunction)Evt_SystemClick, 1,
"(EventRecord theEvent, WindowPtr theWindow) -> None"},
{"SystemTask", (PyCFunction)Evt_SystemTask, 1,
# Generated from 'Sap:CodeWarrior6:Metrowerks C/C++:Headers:Universal Headers 2.0.1f:Events.h'
# Generated from 'Sap:CodeWarrior7:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Events.h'
f = Function(UInt32, 'GetCaretTime',
f = Function(void, 'SetEventMask',
(MacOSEventMask, 'value', InMode),
(EventMask, 'value', InMode),
......@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ f = Function(UInt32, 'GetDblTime',
f = Function(Boolean, 'GetNextEvent',
(MacOSEventMask, 'eventMask', InMode),
(EventMask, 'eventMask', InMode),
(EventRecord, 'theEvent', OutMode),
f = Function(Boolean, 'WaitNextEvent',
(MacOSEventMask, 'eventMask', InMode),
(EventMask, 'eventMask', InMode),
(EventRecord, 'theEvent', OutMode),
(UInt32, 'sleep', InMode),
(RgnHandle, 'mouseRgn', InMode),
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ f = Function(Boolean, 'WaitNextEvent',
f = Function(Boolean, 'EventAvail',
(MacOSEventMask, 'eventMask', InMode),
(EventMask, 'eventMask', InMode),
(EventRecord, 'theEvent', OutMode),
......@@ -60,26 +60,26 @@ f = Function(UInt32, 'TickCount',
f = Function(OSErr, 'PostEvent',
(MacOSEventKind, 'eventNum', InMode),
(EventKind, 'eventNum', InMode),
(UInt32, 'eventMsg', InMode),
f = Function(Boolean, 'OSEventAvail',
(MacOSEventMask, 'mask', InMode),
(EventMask, 'mask', InMode),
(EventRecord, 'theEvent', OutMode),
f = Function(Boolean, 'GetOSEvent',
(MacOSEventMask, 'mask', InMode),
(EventMask, 'mask', InMode),
(EventRecord, 'theEvent', OutMode),
f = Function(void, 'FlushEvents',
(MacOSEventMask, 'whichMask', InMode),
(MacOSEventMask, 'stopMask', InMode),
(EventMask, 'whichMask', InMode),
(EventMask, 'stopMask', InMode),
......@@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ from macsupport import *
RgnHandle = FakeType("(RgnHandle)0") # XXX
KeyMap = ArrayOutputBufferType("KeyMap")
MacOSEventKind = Type("MacOSEventKind", "h")
MacOSEventMask = Type("MacOSEventMask", "h")
MacOSEventKind = Type("MacOSEventKind", "h") # Old-style
MacOSEventMask = Type("MacOSEventMask", "h") # Old-style
EventMask = Type("EventMask", "h")
EventKind = Type("EventKind", "h")
includestuff = includestuff + """
#include <%s>""" % MACHEADERFILE + """
......@@ -1336,7 +1336,6 @@ static PyMethodDef Res_methods[] = {
PyObject *ResObj_OptNew(itself)
Handle itself;
ResourceObject *it;
if (itself == NULL) {
return Py_None;
......@@ -414,12 +414,12 @@ static PyObject *Snd_SndSoundManagerVersion(_self, _args)
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
NumVersion _rv;
long _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = SndSoundManagerVersion();
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
NumVer_New, _rv);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
......@@ -479,12 +479,12 @@ static PyObject *Snd_MACEVersion(_self, _args)
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
NumVersion _rv;
long _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = MACEVersion();
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
NumVer_New, _rv);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
......@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ static PyMethodDef Snd_methods[] = {
{"SndControl", (PyCFunction)Snd_SndControl, 1,
"(short id) -> (SndCommand cmd)"},
{"SndSoundManagerVersion", (PyCFunction)Snd_SndSoundManagerVersion, 1,
"() -> (NumVersion _rv)"},
"() -> (long _rv)"},
{"SndManagerStatus", (PyCFunction)Snd_SndManagerStatus, 1,
"(short theLength) -> (SMStatus theStatus)"},
{"SndGetSysBeepState", (PyCFunction)Snd_SndGetSysBeepState, 1,
......@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ static PyMethodDef Snd_methods[] = {
{"SndSetSysBeepState", (PyCFunction)Snd_SndSetSysBeepState, 1,
"(short sysBeepState) -> None"},
{"MACEVersion", (PyCFunction)Snd_MACEVersion, 1,
"() -> (NumVersion _rv)"},
"() -> (long _rv)"},
{"Comp3to1", (PyCFunction)Snd_Comp3to1, 1,
"(Buffer buffer, StateBlock state, unsigned long numChannels, unsigned long whichChannel) -> (Buffer buffer, StateBlock state)"},
{"Exp1to3", (PyCFunction)Snd_Exp1to3, 1,
# Generated from 'Sap:CodeWarrior6:Metrowerks C/C++:Headers:Universal Headers 2.0.1f:Sound.h'
# Generated from 'Sap:CodeWarrior7:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Sound.h'
f = SndFunction(void, 'SetSoundVol',
(short, 'level', InMode),
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ f = SndFunction(OSErr, 'SndControl',
f = SndFunction(NumVersion, 'SndSoundManagerVersion',
f = SndFunction(long, 'SndSoundManagerVersion',
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ f = SndFunction(OSErr, 'SndSetSysBeepState',
f = SndFunction(NumVersion, 'MACEVersion',
f = SndFunction(long, 'MACEVersion',
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ class SoundScanner(Scanner):
# Don't have the time to dig into this...
def makerepairinstructions(self):
......@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ except ImportError:
# Default preferences
#CREATOR = 'KAHL' # Guido's favorite text editor on the Mac
#INCLUDEDIR = "D:Development:THINK C:Mac #includes:Apple #includes:"
CREATOR = 'MPCC' # Jack's favorite text editor on the Mac
INCLUDEDIR = "Sap:CodeWarrior6:Metrowerks C/C++:Headers:Universal Headers 2.0.1f:"
CREATOR = 'CWIE' # Jack's favorite text editor on the Mac
INCLUDEDIR = "Sap:CodeWarrior7:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:"
Error = "scantools.Error"
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