Commit d6bc4e7f authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

New appearance mgr support. This appears (no pun intended) to have some...

New appearance mgr support. This appears (no pun intended) to have some problems that I'll fix tonight, so don't check it out.
parent 09ac0881
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -40,12 +40,24 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
def makeblacklistnames(self):
return [
"GetThemeFont", # Funny stringbuffer in/out parameter, I think...
def makeblacklisttypes(self):
return [
"ProcessSerialNumber_ptr", # Too much work for now.
"ThemeTrackDrawInfo_ptr", # Too much work
"ThemeButtonDrawInfo_ptr", # ditto
"ThemeWindowMetrics_ptr", # ditto
"ThemeDrawingState", # This is an opaque pointer, so it should be simple. Later.
"Collection", # No interface to collection mgr yet.
def makerepairinstructions(self):
......@@ -42,9 +42,30 @@ ThemeMenuBarState = Type("ThemeMenuBarState", "h")
ThemeMenuState = Type("ThemeMenuState", "h")
ThemeMenuType = Type("ThemeMenuType", "h")
ThemeMenuItemType = Type("ThemeMenuItemType", "h")
ThemeFontID = Type("ThemeFontID", "h")
ThemeTabStyle = Type("ThemeTabStyle", "h")
ThemeTabDirection = Type("ThemeTabDirection", "h")
ThemeDrawState = Type("ThemeDrawState", "l")
ThemeCursor = Type("ThemeCursor", "l")
ThemeCheckBoxStyle = Type("ThemeCheckBoxStyle", "h")
ThemeScrollBarArrowStyle = Type("ThemeScrollBarArrowStyle", "h")
ThemeScrollBarThumbStyle = Type("ThemeScrollBarThumbStyle", "h")
CTabHandle = OpaqueByValueType("CTabHandle", "ResObj")
ThemeTrackEnableState = Type("ThemeTrackEnableState", "b")
ThemeTrackPressState = Type("ThemeTrackPressState", "b")
ThemeThumbDirection = Type("ThemeThumbDirection", "b")
ThemeTrackAttributes = Type("ThemeTrackAttributes", "h")
ControlPartCode = Type("ControlPartCode", "h")
ThemeWindowAttributes = Type("ThemeWindowAttributes", "l")
ThemeWindowType = Type("ThemeWindowType", "h")
ThemeTitleBarWidget = Type("ThemeTitleBarWidget", "h")
ThemeArrowOrientation = Type("ThemeArrowOrientation", "h")
ThemePopupArrowSize = Type("ThemePopupArrowSize", "h")
ThemeGrowDirection = Type("ThemeGrowDirection", "h")
ThemeSoundKind = OSTypeType("ThemeSoundKind")
ThemeDragSoundKind = OSTypeType("ThemeDragSoundKind")
ThemeBackgroundKind = Type("ThemeBackgroundKind", "l")
RGBColor = OpaqueType("RGBColor", "QdRGB")
includestuff = includestuff + """
#include <%s>""" % MACHEADERFILE + """
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