Commit d795c5cb authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Fix synopsis for multifile.

parent 446f033e
% Documentation by ESR
\section{Standard Module \module{multifile}}
\modulesynopsis{Support for reading files which contain distinct
parts, such as some MIME data.}
The \class{MultiFile} object enables you to treat sections of a text
......@@ -32,8 +33,8 @@ end-markers. MultiFile is designed to support parsing of
messages that may have multiple nested message parts, each with its
own pattern for section-divider and end-marker lines.
\subsection{MultiFile Objects}
\subsection{MultiFile Objects \label{MultiFile-objects}}
A \class{MultiFile} instance has the following methods:
......@@ -129,8 +130,7 @@ True if the last end-of-file was for an end-of-message marker.
\subsection{\class{Multifile} Example}
\subsection{\class{MultiFile} Example \label{multifile-example}}
% This is almost unreadable; should be re-written when someone gets time.
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