Commit d7ea55b1 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

include at least one example of an exception passing through pyexpat

parent 2e56c8a2
......@@ -311,3 +311,18 @@ parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c></c>3<!--abc-->4<!--def-->5</a> ", 1)
handler.check(["<a>", "1", "<b>", "</b>", "2", "<c>", "</c>", "3",
"<!--abc-->", "4", "<!--def-->", "5", "</a>"],
"buffered text not properly split")
# Test handling of exception from callback:
def StartElementHandler(name, attrs):
raise RuntimeError(name)
parser = expat.ParserCreate()
parser.StartElementHandler = StartElementHandler
parser.Parse("<a><b><c/></b></a>", 1)
except RuntimeError, e:
if e.args[0] != "a":
print "Expected RuntimeError for element 'a'; found %r" % e.args[0]
print "Expected RuntimeError for 'a'"
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