Commit d8a3ebaa authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Add $(EXE) to various occurrences of python so it will work on Cygwin

with egcs (after setting EXE=.exe).  Patch by Norman Vine.
parent dcdb546a
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ link: $(MAINOBJ)
mv python$(EXE) ../python$(EXE)
-rm -f *.o python core *~ [@,#]* *.old *.orig *.rej add2lib
-rm -f *.o python$(EXE) core *~ [@,#]* *.old *.orig *.rej add2lib
clobber: clean
-rm -f *.a tags TAGS config.c Makefile.pre
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ depend:
$(MKDEP) $(CFLAGS) `echo $(OBJS) | tr ' ' '\012' | \
sed 's|\(.*\)\.o|$(srcdir)/\1.c|'`
.PRECIOUS: ../python
.PRECIOUS: ../python$(EXE)
glmodule.c: $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/cstubs
python $(srcdir)/ <$(srcdir)/cstubs >glmodule.c
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