Commit d8d6b912 authored by Caleb Hattingh's avatar Caleb Hattingh Committed by Zachary Ware

bpo-30487: automatically create a venv and install Sphinx when running make (GH-4346)

parent a6fba9b8
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ matrix:
# (Updating the version is fine as long as no warnings are raised by doing so.)
- python -m pip install sphinx~=1.6.1 blurb
- make check suspicious html SPHINXOPTS="-q -W -j4"
- make check suspicious html SPHINXBUILD="sphinx-build" SPHINXOPTS="-q -W -j4"
- os: linux
language: c
compiler: gcc
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ ALLSPHINXOPTS = -b $(BUILDER) -d build/doctrees -D latex_elements.papersize=$(PA
.PHONY: help build html htmlhelp latex text changes linkcheck \
suspicious coverage doctest pydoc-topics htmlview clean dist check serve \
autobuild-dev autobuild-stable venv
autobuild-dev autobuild-stable
@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ help:
@echo " check to run a check for frequent markup errors"
@echo " serve to serve the documentation on the localhost (8000)"
build: venv
-mkdir -p build
# Look first for a Misc/NEWS file (building from a source release tarball
# or old repo) and use that, otherwise look for a Misc/NEWS.d directory
......@@ -122,9 +122,11 @@ clean:
-rm -rf build/* $(VENVDIR)/*
$(PYTHON) -m venv $(VENVDIR)
$(VENVDIR)/bin/python3 -m pip install -U Sphinx blurb
@echo "The venv has been created in the $(VENVDIR) directory"
@if [ "$(SPHINXBUILD)" == "PATH=$(VENVDIR)/bin:$$PATH sphinx-build" ]; then \
$(PYTHON) -m venv $(VENVDIR); \
echo "A virtual environment for Docs has been made in the $(VENVDIR) directory"; \
$(VENVDIR)/bin/python3 -m pip install Sphinx blurb; \
rm -rf dist
......@@ -21,21 +21,16 @@ tree but are maintained separately and are available from
* `Sphinx <>`_
* `blurb <>`_
The easiest way to install these tools is to create a virtual environment and
install the tools into there.
You could manually create a virtual environment and install them, but there is
a ``Makefile`` already set up to do this for you, as long as you have a working
Python 3 interpreter available.
Using make
To get started on UNIX, you can create a virtual environment with the command ::
make venv
That will install all the tools necessary to build the documentation. Assuming
the virtual environment was created in the ``env`` directory (the default;
configurable with the VENVDIR variable), you can run the following command to
build the HTML output files::
A Makefile has been prepared so that (on Unix), after you change into the
``Doc/`` directory you can simply run ::
make html
......@@ -44,8 +39,17 @@ look for instances of sphinxbuild and blurb installed on your process PATH
(configurable with the SPHINXBUILD and BLURB variables).
On Windows, we try to emulate the Makefile as closely as possible with a
``make.bat`` file. If you need to specify the Python interpreter to use,
set the PYTHON environment variable instead.
``make.bat`` file.
To use a Python interpreter that's not called ``python3``, use the standard
way to set Makefile variables, using e.g. ::
make html PYTHON=python
On Windows, set the PYTHON environment variable instead.
To use a specific sphinx-build (something other than ``sphinx-build``), set
the SPHINXBUILD variable.
Available make targets are:
......@@ -104,11 +108,14 @@ Available make targets are:
Without make
First, install the tool dependencies from PyPI.
Then, from the ``Doc`` directory, run ::
Install the Sphinx package and its dependencies from PyPI. In this situation,
you'll have to create a virtual environment manually, and install Sphinx into
it. Change into the ``Doc`` directory and run ::
sphinx-build -b<builder> . build/<builder>
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install Sphinx
(venv) $ sphinx-build -b<builder> . build/<builder>
where ``<builder>`` is one of html, text, latex, or htmlhelp (for explanations
see the make targets above).
Markdown is supported
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