Commit d906627b authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Merged revisions 70356 via svnmerge from


  r70356 | antoine.pitrou | 2009-03-14 01:07:21 +0100 (sam., 14 mars 2009) | 3 lines

  Issue #1222: locale.format() bug when the thousands separator is a space character.
parent fa883455
......@@ -108,6 +108,19 @@ def localeconv():
# Author: Martin von Loewis
# improved by Georg Brandl
# Iterate over grouping intervals
def _grouping_intervals(grouping):
for interval in grouping:
# if grouping is -1, we are done
if interval == CHAR_MAX:
# 0: re-use last group ad infinitum
if interval == 0:
while True:
yield last_interval
yield interval
last_interval = interval
#perform the grouping from right to left
def _group(s, monetary=False):
conv = localeconv()
......@@ -117,35 +130,41 @@ def _group(s, monetary=False):
return (s, 0)
result = ""
seps = 0
spaces = ""
if s[-1] == ' ':
sp = s.find(' ')
spaces = s[sp:]
s = s[:sp]
while s and grouping:
# if grouping is -1, we are done
if grouping[0] == CHAR_MAX:
stripped = s.rstrip()
right_spaces = s[len(stripped):]
s = stripped
right_spaces = ''
left_spaces = ''
groups = []
for interval in _grouping_intervals(grouping):
if not s or s[-1] not in "0123456789":
# only non-digit characters remain (sign, spaces)
left_spaces = s
s = ''
# 0: re-use last group ad infinitum
elif grouping[0] != 0:
#process last group
group = grouping[0]
grouping = grouping[1:]
if result:
result = s[-group:] + thousands_sep + result
seps += 1
result = s[-group:]
s = s[:-group]
if s and s[-1] not in "0123456789":
# the leading string is only spaces and signs
return s + result + spaces, seps
if not result:
return s + spaces, seps
s = s[:-interval]
if s:
result = s + thousands_sep + result
seps += 1
return result + spaces, seps
return (
left_spaces + thousands_sep.join(groups) + right_spaces,
len(groups) - 1
# Strip a given amount of excess padding from the given string
def _strip_padding(s, amount):
lpos = 0
while amount and s[lpos] == ' ':
lpos += 1
amount -= 1
rpos = len(s) - 1
while amount and s[rpos] == ' ':
rpos -= 1
amount -= 1
return s[lpos:rpos+1]
def format(percent, value, grouping=False, monetary=False, *additional):
"""Returns the locale-aware substitution of a %? specifier
......@@ -170,14 +189,14 @@ def format(percent, value, grouping=False, monetary=False, *additional):
decimal_point = localeconv()[monetary and 'mon_decimal_point'
or 'decimal_point']
formatted = decimal_point.join(parts)
while seps:
sp = formatted.find(' ')
if sp == -1: break
formatted = formatted[:sp] + formatted[sp+1:]
seps -= 1
if seps:
formatted = _strip_padding(formatted, seps)
elif percent[-1] in 'diu':
seps = 0
if grouping:
formatted = _group(formatted, monetary=monetary)[0]
formatted, seps = _group(formatted, monetary=monetary)
if seps:
formatted = _strip_padding(formatted, seps)
return formatted
import re, operator
......@@ -105,6 +105,32 @@ class EnUSCookedTest(BaseCookedTest):
class FrFRCookedTest(BaseCookedTest):
# A cooked "fr_FR" locale with a space character as decimal separator
# and a non-ASCII currency symbol.
cooked_values = {
'currency_symbol': '\xe2\x82\xac',
'decimal_point': ',',
'frac_digits': 2,
'grouping': [3, 3, 0],
'int_curr_symbol': 'EUR ',
'int_frac_digits': 2,
'mon_decimal_point': ',',
'mon_grouping': [3, 3, 0],
'mon_thousands_sep': ' ',
'n_cs_precedes': 0,
'n_sep_by_space': 1,
'n_sign_posn': 1,
'negative_sign': '-',
'p_cs_precedes': 0,
'p_sep_by_space': 1,
'p_sign_posn': 1,
'positive_sign': '',
'thousands_sep': ' '
class BaseFormattingTest(object):
# Utility functions for formatting tests
......@@ -152,6 +178,12 @@ class EnUSNumberFormatting(BaseFormattingTest):
self._test_format("%+d", 4200, grouping=True, out='+4%s200' % self.sep)
self._test_format("%+d", -4200, grouping=True, out='-4%s200' % self.sep)
def test_integer_grouping_and_padding(self):
self._test_format("%10d", 4200, grouping=True,
out=('4%s200' % self.sep).rjust(10))
self._test_format("%-10d", -4200, grouping=True,
out=('-4%s200' % self.sep).ljust(10))
def test_simple(self):
self._test_format("%f", 1024, grouping=0, out='1024.000000')
self._test_format("%f", 102, grouping=0, out='102.000000')
......@@ -223,6 +255,49 @@ class TestCNumberFormatting(CCookedTest, BaseFormattingTest):
self._test_format("%9.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out=' 12345.67')
class TestFrFRNumberFormatting(FrFRCookedTest, BaseFormattingTest):
# Test number formatting with a cooked "fr_FR" locale.
def test_decimal_point(self):
self._test_format("%.2f", 12345.67, out='12345,67')
def test_grouping(self):
self._test_format("%.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out='345,67')
self._test_format("%.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
def test_grouping_and_padding(self):
self._test_format("%6.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out='345,67')
self._test_format("%7.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out=' 345,67')
self._test_format("%8.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
self._test_format("%9.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
self._test_format("%10.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out=' 12 345,67')
self._test_format("%-6.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out='345,67')
self._test_format("%-7.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out='345,67 ')
self._test_format("%-8.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
self._test_format("%-9.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
self._test_format("%-10.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67 ')
def test_integer_grouping(self):
self._test_format("%d", 200, grouping=True, out='200')
self._test_format("%d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
def test_integer_grouping_and_padding(self):
self._test_format("%4d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
self._test_format("%5d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
self._test_format("%10d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200'.rjust(10))
self._test_format("%-4d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
self._test_format("%-5d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
self._test_format("%-10d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200'.ljust(10))
def test_currency(self):
euro = u'\u20ac'.encode('utf-8')
self._test_currency(50000, "50000,00 " + euro)
self._test_currency(50000, "50 000,00 " + euro, grouping=True)
# XXX is the trailing space a bug?
self._test_currency(50000, "50 000,00 EUR ",
grouping=True, international=True)
class TestStringMethods(BaseLocalizedTest):
locale_type = locale.LC_CTYPE
......@@ -277,7 +352,8 @@ def test_main():
tests = [
# TestSkipped can't be raised inside unittests, handle it manually instead
......@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #1222: locale.format() bug when the thousands separator is a space
- Issue #4792: Prevent a segfault in _tkinter by using the
guaranteed to be safe interp argument given to the PythonCmd in place of
the Tcl interpreter taken from a PythonCmd_ClientData.
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