Commit d97b4915 authored by Ethan Furman's avatar Ethan Furman

Issue #19030: final pieces for proper location of various class attributes...

Issue #19030: final pieces for proper location of various class attributes located in the metaclass.

Okay, hopefully the very last patch for this issue.  :/

I realized when playing with Enum that the metaclass attributes weren't always displayed properly.

New patch properly locates DynamicClassAttributes, virtual class attributes (returned by __getattr__ and friends), and metaclass class attributes (if they are also in the metaclass __dir__ method).

Also had to change one line in pydoc to get this to work.

Added tests in test_inspect and test_pydoc to cover these situations.
parent f471093e
......@@ -269,9 +269,9 @@ def getmembers(object, predicate=None):
results = []
processed = set()
names = dir(object)
# add any virtual attributes to the list of names if object is a class
# :dd any DynamicClassAttributes to the list of names if object is a class;
# this may result in duplicate entries if, for example, a virtual
# attribute with the same name as a member property exists
# attribute with the same name as a DynamicClassAttribute exists
for base in object.__bases__:
for k, v in base.__dict__.items():
......@@ -329,79 +329,88 @@ def classify_class_attrs(cls):
If one of the items in dir(cls) is stored in the metaclass it will now
be discovered and not have None be listed as the class in which it was
defined. Any items whose home class cannot be discovered are skipped.
mro = getmro(cls)
metamro = getmro(type(cls)) # for attributes stored in the metaclass
metamro = tuple([cls for cls in metamro if cls not in (type, object)])
possible_bases = (cls,) + mro + metamro
class_bases = (cls,) + mro
all_bases = class_bases + metamro
names = dir(cls)
# add any virtual attributes to the list of names
# :dd any DynamicClassAttributes to the list of names;
# this may result in duplicate entries if, for example, a virtual
# attribute with the same name as a member property exists
# attribute with the same name as a DynamicClassAttribute exists.
for base in mro:
for k, v in base.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(v, types.DynamicClassAttribute):
result = []
processed = set()
sentinel = object()
for name in names:
# Get the object associated with the name, and where it was defined.
# Normal objects will be looked up with both getattr and directly in
# its class' dict (in case getattr fails [bug #1785], and also to look
# for a docstring).
# For VirtualAttributes on the second pass we only look in the
# For DynamicClassAttributes on the second pass we only look in the
# class's dict.
# Getting an obj from the __dict__ sometimes reveals more than
# using getattr. Static and class methods are dramatic examples.
homecls = None
get_obj = sentinel
dict_obj = sentinel
get_obj = None
dict_obj = None
if name not in processed:
if name == '__dict__':
raise Exception("__dict__ is special, we don't want the proxy")
raise Exception("__dict__ is special, don't want the proxy")
get_obj = getattr(cls, name)
except Exception as exc:
homecls = getattr(get_obj, "__objclass__", homecls)
if homecls not in possible_bases:
if homecls not in class_bases:
# if the resulting object does not live somewhere in the
# mro, drop it and search the mro manually
homecls = None
last_cls = None
last_obj = None
for srch_cls in ((cls,) + mro):
# first look in the classes
for srch_cls in class_bases:
srch_obj = getattr(srch_cls, name, None)
if srch_obj is get_obj:
if srch_obj == get_obj:
last_cls = srch_cls
# then check the metaclasses
for srch_cls in metamro:
srch_obj = srch_cls.__getattr__(cls, name)
except AttributeError:
if srch_obj == get_obj:
last_cls = srch_cls
last_obj = srch_obj
if last_cls is not None:
homecls = last_cls
for base in possible_bases:
for base in all_bases:
if name in base.__dict__:
dict_obj = base.__dict__[name]
homecls = homecls or base
if homecls not in metamro:
homecls = base
if homecls is None:
# unable to locate the attribute anywhere, most likely due to
# buggy custom __dir__; discard and move on
obj = get_obj or dict_obj
# Classify the object or its descriptor.
if get_obj is not sentinel:
obj = get_obj
obj = dict_obj
if isinstance(dict_obj, staticmethod):
kind = "static method"
obj = dict_obj
elif isinstance(dict_obj, classmethod):
kind = "class method"
elif isinstance(obj, property):
obj = dict_obj
elif isinstance(dict_obj, property):
kind = "property"
obj = dict_obj
elif isfunction(obj) or ismethoddescriptor(obj):
kind = "method"
......@@ -1235,8 +1235,9 @@ location listed above.
doc = getdoc(value)
doc = None
push(self.docother(getattr(object, name),
name, mod, maxlen=70, doc=doc) + '\n')
getattr(object, name, None) or homecls.__dict__[name],
name, mod, maxlen=70, doc=doc) + '\n')
return attrs
attrs = [(name, kind, cls, value)
......@@ -1258,7 +1259,6 @@ location listed above.
tag = "inherited from %s" % classname(thisclass,
# Sort attrs by name.
......@@ -1273,6 +1273,7 @@ location listed above.
lambda t: t[1] == 'data descriptor')
attrs = spilldata("Data and other attributes %s:\n" % tag, attrs,
lambda t: t[1] == 'data')
assert attrs == []
attrs = inherited
......@@ -667,9 +667,19 @@ class TestClassesAndFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
return 'eggs'
should_find_dca = inspect.Attribute('ham', 'data', VA, VA.__dict__['ham'])
self.assertIn(should_find_dca, inspect.classify_class_attrs(VA))
should_find_ga = inspect.Attribute('ham', 'data', VA, 'spam')
should_find_ga = inspect.Attribute('ham', 'data', Meta, 'spam')
self.assertIn(should_find_ga, inspect.classify_class_attrs(VA))
def test_classify_metaclass_class_attribute(self):
class Meta(type):
fish = 'slap'
def __dir__(self):
return ['__class__', '__modules__', '__name__', 'fish']
class Class(metaclass=Meta):
should_find = inspect.Attribute('fish', 'data', Meta, 'slap')
self.assertIn(should_find, inspect.classify_class_attrs(Class))
def test_classify_VirtualAttribute(self):
class Meta(type):
def __dir__(cls):
......@@ -680,7 +690,7 @@ class TestClassesAndFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
return super().__getattr(name)
class Class(metaclass=Meta):
should_find = inspect.Attribute('BOOM', 'data', Class, 42)
should_find = inspect.Attribute('BOOM', 'data', Meta, 42)
self.assertIn(should_find, inspect.classify_class_attrs(Class))
def test_classify_VirtualAttribute_multi_classes(self):
......@@ -711,9 +721,9 @@ class TestClassesAndFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
class Class2(Class1, metaclass=Meta3):
should_find1 = inspect.Attribute('one', 'data', Class1, 1)
should_find2 = inspect.Attribute('two', 'data', Class2, 2)
should_find3 = inspect.Attribute('three', 'data', Class2, 3)
should_find1 = inspect.Attribute('one', 'data', Meta1, 1)
should_find2 = inspect.Attribute('two', 'data', Meta2, 2)
should_find3 = inspect.Attribute('three', 'data', Meta3, 3)
cca = inspect.classify_class_attrs(Class2)
for sf in (should_find1, should_find2, should_find3):
self.assertIn(sf, cca)
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import re
import string
import time
import types
import unittest
import xml.etree
import textwrap
......@@ -208,6 +209,77 @@ missing_pattern = "no Python documentation found for '%s'"
# output pattern for module with bad imports
badimport_pattern = "problem in %s - ImportError: No module named %r"
expected_dynamicattribute_pattern = """
Help on class DA in module %s:
class DA(builtins.object)
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| ham
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from Meta:
| ham = 'spam'
expected_virtualattribute_pattern1 = """
Help on class Class in module %s:
class Class(builtins.object)
| Data and other attributes inherited from Meta:
| LIFE = 42
expected_virtualattribute_pattern2 = """
Help on class Class1 in module %s:
class Class1(builtins.object)
| Data and other attributes inherited from Meta1:
| one = 1
expected_virtualattribute_pattern3 = """
Help on class Class2 in module %s:
class Class2(Class1)
| Method resolution order:
| Class2
| Class1
| builtins.object
| Data and other attributes inherited from Meta1:
| one = 1
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from Meta3:
| three = 3
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from Meta2:
| two = 2
expected_missingattribute_pattern = """
Help on class C in module %s:
class C(builtins.object)
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| here = 'present!'
def run_pydoc(module_name, *args, **env):
Runs pydoc on the specified module. Returns the stripped
......@@ -636,6 +708,108 @@ class TestHelper(unittest.TestCase):
class PydocWithMetaClasses(unittest.TestCase):
def test_DynamicClassAttribute(self):
class Meta(type):
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'ham':
return 'spam'
return super().__getattr__(name)
class DA(metaclass=Meta):
def ham(self):
return 'eggs'
output = StringIO()
helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
expected_text = expected_dynamicattribute_pattern % __name__
result = output.getvalue().strip()
if result != expected_text:
print_diffs(expected_text, result)"outputs are not equal, see diff above")
def test_virtualClassAttributeWithOneMeta(self):
class Meta(type):
def __dir__(cls):
return ['__class__', '__module__', '__name__', 'LIFE']
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name =='LIFE':
return 42
return super().__getattr(name)
class Class(metaclass=Meta):
output = StringIO()
helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
expected_text = expected_virtualattribute_pattern1 % __name__
result = output.getvalue().strip()
if result != expected_text:
print_diffs(expected_text, result)"outputs are not equal, see diff above")
def test_virtualClassAttributeWithTwoMeta(self):
class Meta1(type):
def __dir__(cls):
return ['__class__', '__module__', '__name__', 'one']
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name =='one':
return 1
return super().__getattr__(name)
class Meta2(type):
def __dir__(cls):
return ['__class__', '__module__', '__name__', 'two']
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name =='two':
return 2
return super().__getattr__(name)
class Meta3(Meta1, Meta2):
def __dir__(cls):
return list(sorted(set(
['__class__', '__module__', '__name__', 'three'] +
Meta1.__dir__(cls) + Meta2.__dir__(cls))))
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name =='three':
return 3
return super().__getattr__(name)
class Class1(metaclass=Meta1):
class Class2(Class1, metaclass=Meta3):
fail1 = fail2 = False
output = StringIO()
helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
expected_text1 = expected_virtualattribute_pattern2 % __name__
result1 = output.getvalue().strip()
if result1 != expected_text1:
print_diffs(expected_text1, result1)
fail1 = True
output = StringIO()
helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
expected_text2 = expected_virtualattribute_pattern3 % __name__
result2 = output.getvalue().strip()
if result2 != expected_text2:
print_diffs(expected_text2, result2)
fail2 = True
if fail1 or fail2:"outputs are not equal, see diff above")
def test_buggy_dir(self):
class M(type):
def __dir__(cls):
return ['__class__', '__name__', 'missing', 'here']
class C(metaclass=M):
here = 'present!'
output = StringIO()
helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
expected_text = expected_missingattribute_pattern % __name__
result = output.getvalue().strip()
if result != expected_text:
print_diffs(expected_text, result)"outputs are not equal, see diff above")
def test_main():
......@@ -645,6 +819,7 @@ def test_main():
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