Commit da5fe4f2 authored by Yury Selivanov's avatar Yury Selivanov

inspect.signature: Add support for 'functools.partialmethod' #20223

parent eedf1c1e
......@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ class partialmethod(object):
call_args = (cls_or_self,) + self.args + tuple(rest)
return self.func(*call_args, **call_keywords)
_method.__isabstractmethod__ = self.__isabstractmethod__
_method._partialmethod = self
return _method
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
......@@ -1440,6 +1440,51 @@ def _get_user_defined_method(cls, method_name):
return meth
def _get_partial_signature(wrapped_sig, partial, extra_args=()):
new_params = OrderedDict(wrapped_sig.parameters.items())
partial_args = partial.args or ()
partial_keywords = partial.keywords or {}
if extra_args:
partial_args = extra_args + partial_args
ba = wrapped_sig.bind_partial(*partial_args, **partial_keywords)
except TypeError as ex:
msg = 'partial object {!r} has incorrect arguments'.format(partial)
raise ValueError(msg) from ex
for arg_name, arg_value in ba.arguments.items():
param = new_params[arg_name]
if arg_name in partial_keywords:
# We set a new default value, because the following code
# is correct:
# >>> def foo(a): print(a)
# >>> print(partial(partial(foo, a=10), a=20)())
# 20
# >>> print(partial(partial(foo, a=10), a=20)(a=30))
# 30
# So, with 'partial' objects, passing a keyword argument is
# like setting a new default value for the corresponding
# parameter
# We also mark this parameter with '_partial_kwarg'
# flag. Later, in '_bind', the 'default' value of this
# parameter will be added to 'kwargs', to simulate
# the 'functools.partial' real call.
new_params[arg_name] = param.replace(default=arg_value,
elif (param.kind not in (_VAR_KEYWORD, _VAR_POSITIONAL) and
not param._partial_kwarg):
return wrapped_sig.replace(parameters=new_params.values())
def signature(obj):
'''Get a signature object for the passed callable.'''
......@@ -1470,50 +1515,32 @@ def signature(obj):
if sig is not None:
return sig
partialmethod = obj._partialmethod
except AttributeError:
# Unbound partialmethod (see functools.partialmethod)
# This means, that we need to calculate the signature
# as if it's a regular partial object, but taking into
# account that the first positional argument
# (usually `self`, or `cls`) will not be passed
# automatically (as for boundmethods)
wrapped_sig = signature(partialmethod.func)
sig = _get_partial_signature(wrapped_sig, partialmethod, (None,))
first_wrapped_param = tuple(wrapped_sig.parameters.values())[0]
new_params = (first_wrapped_param,) + tuple(sig.parameters.values())
return sig.replace(parameters=new_params)
if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
return Signature.from_function(obj)
if isinstance(obj, functools.partial):
sig = signature(obj.func)
new_params = OrderedDict(sig.parameters.items())
partial_args = obj.args or ()
partial_keywords = obj.keywords or {}
ba = sig.bind_partial(*partial_args, **partial_keywords)
except TypeError as ex:
msg = 'partial object {!r} has incorrect arguments'.format(obj)
raise ValueError(msg) from ex
for arg_name, arg_value in ba.arguments.items():
param = new_params[arg_name]
if arg_name in partial_keywords:
# We set a new default value, because the following code
# is correct:
# >>> def foo(a): print(a)
# >>> print(partial(partial(foo, a=10), a=20)())
# 20
# >>> print(partial(partial(foo, a=10), a=20)(a=30))
# 30
# So, with 'partial' objects, passing a keyword argument is
# like setting a new default value for the corresponding
# parameter
# We also mark this parameter with '_partial_kwarg'
# flag. Later, in '_bind', the 'default' value of this
# parameter will be added to 'kwargs', to simulate
# the 'functools.partial' real call.
new_params[arg_name] = param.replace(default=arg_value,
elif (param.kind not in (_VAR_KEYWORD, _VAR_POSITIONAL) and
not param._partial_kwarg):
return sig.replace(parameters=new_params.values())
wrapped_sig = signature(obj.func)
return _get_partial_signature(wrapped_sig, obj)
sig = None
if isinstance(obj, type):
......@@ -1877,6 +1877,33 @@ class TestSignatureObject(unittest.TestCase):
ba = inspect.signature(_foo).bind(12, 14)
self.assertEqual(_foo(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs), (12, 14, 13))
def test_signature_on_partialmethod(self):
from functools import partialmethod
class Spam:
def test():
ham = partialmethod(test)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "has incorrect arguments"):
class Spam:
def test(it, a, *, c) -> 'spam':
ham = partialmethod(test, c=1)
((('it', ..., ..., 'positional_or_keyword'),
('a', ..., ..., 'positional_or_keyword'),
('c', 1, ..., 'keyword_only')),
((('a', ..., ..., 'positional_or_keyword'),
('c', 1, ..., 'keyword_only')),
def test_signature_on_decorated(self):
import functools
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