Commit db4a321f authored by Florent Xicluna's avatar Florent Xicluna

Cleanup test_struct using check_warnings.

parent 2405547a
import os
import array
import unittest
import struct
import warnings
from test.test_support import run_unittest
import inspect
from test.test_support import run_unittest, check_warnings, check_py3k_warnings
import sys
ISBIGENDIAN = sys.byteorder == "big"
......@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ IS32BIT = sys.maxsize == 0x7fffffff
integer_codes = 'b', 'B', 'h', 'H', 'i', 'I', 'l', 'L', 'q', 'Q'
testmod_filename = os.path.splitext(__file__)[0] + '.py'
# Native 'q' packing isn't available on systems that don't have the C
# long long type.
......@@ -33,23 +35,13 @@ class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
def check_float_coerce(self, format, number):
# SF bug 1530559. struct.pack raises TypeError where it used
# to convert.
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
# ignore everything except the
# DeprecationWarning we're looking for
message=".*integer argument expected, got float",
with check_warnings((".*integer argument expected, got float",
DeprecationWarning)) as w:
got = struct.pack(format, number)
nwarn = len(w)
self.assertEqual(nwarn, 1,
"expected exactly one warning from "
"struct.pack({!r}, {!r}); "
"got {} warnings".format(
format, number, nwarn))
lineno = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno - 1
self.assertEqual(w.filename, testmod_filename)
self.assertEqual(w.lineno, lineno)
self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 1)
expected = struct.pack(format, int(number))
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
......@@ -297,33 +289,29 @@ class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
def __long__(self):
return -163L
for badobject in ("a string", 3+42j, randrange):
self.assertRaises((TypeError, struct.error),
struct.pack, self.format,
"a string")
self.assertRaises((TypeError, struct.error),
struct.pack, self.format,
with check_warnings(("integer argument expected, "
"got non-integer", DeprecationWarning)):
self.assertRaises((TypeError, struct.error),
struct.pack, self.format,
# an attempt to convert a non-integer (with an
# implicit conversion via __int__) should succeed,
# with a DeprecationWarning
for nonint in NotAnIntNS(), NotAnIntOS():
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
# ignore everything except the
# DeprecationWarning we're looking for
message=(".*integer argument expected, "
"got non-integer.*"),
with check_warnings((".*integer argument expected, got non"
"-integer", DeprecationWarning)) as w:
got = struct.pack(self.format, nonint)
nwarn = len(w)
self.assertEqual(nwarn, 1,
"expected exactly one warning from "
"struct.pack({!r}, {!r}); "
"got {} warnings".format(
self.format, nonint, nwarn))
lineno = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno - 1
self.assertEqual(w.filename, testmod_filename)
self.assertEqual(w.lineno, lineno)
self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 1)
expected = struct.pack(self.format, int(nonint))
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
......@@ -395,28 +383,19 @@ class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.check_float_coerce(endian + fmt, 1.0)
self.check_float_coerce(endian + fmt, 1.5)
def test_unpack_from(self):
test_string = 'abcd01234'
def test_unpack_from(self, cls=str):
data = cls('abcd01234')
fmt = '4s'
s = struct.Struct(fmt)
for cls in (str, buffer):
data = cls(test_string)
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data), ('abcd',))
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, 2), ('cd01',))
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, 4), ('0123',))
for i in xrange(6):
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
for i in xrange(6, len(test_string) + 1):
self.assertRaises(struct.error, s.unpack_from, data, i)
for cls in (str, buffer):
data = cls(test_string)
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data), ('abcd',))
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, 2), ('cd01',))
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, 4), ('0123',))
for i in xrange(6):
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
for i in xrange(6, len(test_string) + 1):
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack_from, fmt, data, i)
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data), ('abcd',))
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data), ('abcd',))
for i in xrange(6):
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
for i in xrange(6, len(data) + 1):
self.assertRaises(struct.error, s.unpack_from, data, i)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack_from, fmt, data, i)
def test_pack_into(self):
test_string = 'Reykjavik rocks, eow!'
......@@ -465,17 +444,21 @@ class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(struct.error, pack_into, small_buf, 2, test_string)
def test_unpack_with_buffer(self):
# SF bug 1563759: struct.unpack doens't support buffer protocol objects
data1 = array.array('B', '\x12\x34\x56\x78')
data2 = buffer('......\x12\x34\x56\x78......', 6, 4)
for data in [data1, data2]:
value, = struct.unpack('>I', data)
self.assertEqual(value, 0x12345678)
with check_py3k_warnings(("buffer.. not supported in 3.x",
# SF bug 1563759: struct.unpack doesn't support buffer protocol objects
data1 = array.array('B', '\x12\x34\x56\x78')
data2 = buffer('......\x12\x34\x56\x78......', 6, 4)
for data in [data1, data2]:
value, = struct.unpack('>I', data)
self.assertEqual(value, 0x12345678)
def test_bool(self):
for prefix in tuple("<>!=")+('',):
false = (), [], [], '', 0
true = [1], 'test', 5, -1, 0xffffffffL+1, 0xffffffff/2
true = [1], 'test', 5, -1, 0xffffffffL+1, 0xffffffff//2
falseFormat = prefix + '?' * len(false)
packedFalse = struct.pack(falseFormat, *false)
......@@ -504,10 +487,9 @@ class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
for c in '\x01\x7f\xff\x0f\xf0':
self.assertTrue(struct.unpack('>?', c)[0])
if IS32BIT:
def test_crasher(self):
self.assertRaises(MemoryError, struct.pack, "357913941c", "a")
@unittest.skipUnless(IS32BIT, "Specific to 32bit machines")
def test_crasher(self):
self.assertRaises(MemoryError, struct.pack, "357913941c", "a")
def test_main():
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