Commit dc5dd0ff authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

*** empty log message ***

parent 0e49e59c
......@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ import sys
# The following struct is created to hold the instance variables
# main_form, button1, button2 and exitbutton.
class myform():
class myform:
# The init function parses and creates the form, but doesn't
# The constructor parses and creates the form, but doesn't
# display it (yet).
def init(self, number):
def __init__(self, number):
# First we parse the form
parsetree = flp.parse_form('test_cb', 'main_form')
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ class myform():
# And keep our number
self.number = number
return self
# The show function displays the form. It doesn't do any interaction,
......@@ -52,8 +51,8 @@ class myform():
# The main program. Instantiate two variables of the forms class
# and interact with them.
form1 = myform().init(1)
form2 = myform().init(2)
form1 = myform(1)
form2 = myform(2)
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import sys
# The following struct is created to hold the instance variables
# main_form, button1, button2 and exitbutton.
class struct(): pass
class struct: pass
container = struct()
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def mkslice(z1, z2, nparts, docircle):
# Drawcylinder : draw the cylinder
class struct(): pass
class struct: pass
curobj = struct()
curobj.curobj = 1
def drawcylinder(cyl):
......@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ SCREENBG = 127, 156, 191
TITLE = 'M Clock'
import tzparse
TZDIFF = tzparse.timezone
if tzparse.isdst(time.time()):
TZDIFF = tzparse.altzone
# Set timezone, check for daylight saving time
TZDIFF = time.timezone
if time.localtime(time.time())[-1]:
TZDIFF = time.altzone
# Default parameters
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def main():
Gl.change = 1
while 1:
if realtime:
localtime = time.time() - Gl.tzdiff
localtime = int(time.time() - Gl.tzdiff)
if Gl.alarm_set:
if localtime%(24*HOUR) == Gl.alarm_time:
# Ring the alarm!
......@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ def usage(exc, msg):
print '-u update : update interval [60]'
print '-CMYK : Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or blacK overlay only'
print 'if hh [mm [ss]] is specified, display that time statically'
print 'on machines with < 12 bitplanes, -c and -s are forced on'
print 'on machines with < 12 bitplanes, -s is forced on'
......@@ -329,7 +329,8 @@ def makehands(localtime):
little_hand = (MIDN + FULLC - ((localtime/12) % HOUR)) % FULLC
return little_hand, big_hand, seconds_hand
def makelist(little_hand, big_hand, seconds_hand):
def makelist(hands):
little_hand, big_hand, seconds_hand = hands
total = []
if Gl.cyan or not Gl.colorsubset:
total = total + makesublist(big_hand, Gl.indices[0])
......@@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ def makewindow():
prefposition(0, scrwidth-1, 0, scrheight-1)
keepaspect(1, 1)
prefsize(100, 100)
prefsize(80, 80)
if not Gl.border:
......@@ -495,7 +496,11 @@ def makewindow():
if Gl.warnings:
print nplanes, 'color planes,', nmaps, 'color maps'
if nplanes < 12 or Gl.colormap:
if Gl.doublebuffer and not Gl.colormap and nplanes < 12:
if Gl.warnings: print 'forcing single buffer mode'
Gl.doublebuffer = 0
if Gl.colormap:
if not Gl.colormap:
Gl.colormap = nmaps - 1
if Gl.warnings:
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