Commit dc63e9c6 authored by Zachary Ware's avatar Zachary Ware

Issue #25934: Default to /fp:strict for ICC builds

parent fd8e8504
......@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
<ClCompile Condition="$(ICCBuild) == 'true'">
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
Give a default for BasePlatformToolset as well, it's used by ICC and ignored otherwise
<BasePlatformToolset Condition="'$(BasePlatformToolset)' == '' and '$(PlatformToolset)' != 'v90'">v90</BasePlatformToolset>
<ICCBuild Condition="$(PlatformToolset.StartsWith('Intel C++ Compiler'))">true</ICCBuild>
Convincing MSVC/MSBuild to prefer our platform names is too difficult,
so we define our own constant ArchName and use wherever we need it.
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