Commit e0d3f8a6 authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

More informative skip message in @bigaddrspace

parent 9dd11713
......@@ -1039,9 +1039,13 @@ def bigaddrspacetest(f):
"""Decorator for tests that fill the address space."""
def wrapper(self):
if max_memuse < MAX_Py_ssize_t:
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write("Skipping %s because of memory "
"constraint\n" % (f.__name__,))
if MAX_Py_ssize_t > 2**32:
raise unittest.SkipTest(
"not enough memory: try a 32-bit build instead")
raise unittest.SkipTest(
"not enough memory: %.1fG minimum needed"
% (MAX_Py_ssize_t / (1024 ** 3)))
return f(self)
return wrapper
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