Commit e2135c61 authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

move definition to top of block

parent 862b15e7
......@@ -1236,13 +1236,14 @@ symtable_visit_stmt(struct symtable *st, stmt_ty s)
asdl_seq *seq = s->v.Global.names;
for (i = 0; i < asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i++) {
identifier name = (identifier)asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
long cur;
if (st->st_cur->ste_type == ClassBlock &&
!PyUnicode_CompareWithASCIIString(name, "__class__")) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError, "cannot make __class__ global");
PyErr_SyntaxLocationEx(st->st_filename, s->lineno, s->col_offset);
return 0;
long cur = symtable_lookup(st, name);
cur = symtable_lookup(st, name);
if (cur < 0)
VISIT_QUIT(st, 0);
if (cur & (DEF_LOCAL | USE)) {
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