Commit e3f3940f authored by Brian Curtin's avatar Brian Curtin

file was the old arg name from an earlier patch. command matches the implementation

parent de74de5d
......@@ -972,8 +972,8 @@ def get_terminal_size(fallback=(80, 24)):
return os.terminal_size((columns, lines))
def which(cmd, mode=os.F_OK | os.X_OK, path=None):
"""Given a file, mode, and a path string, return the path which conforms
to the given mode on the path."""
"""Given a command, mode, and a path string, return the path which
conforms to the given mode on the path."""
# Check that a given file can be accessed with the correct mode.
# Additionally check that `file` is not a directory, as on Windows
# directories pass the os.access check.
......@@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ def add_ui(db):
("ErrorDialog", "ErrorDlg"),
("Progress1", "Install"), # modified in maintenance type dlg
("Progress2", "installs"),
("ModifyPath", "0"),
("MaintenanceForm_Action", "Repair")])
# Fonts, see "TextStyle Table"
......@@ -634,7 +635,11 @@ def add_ui(db):
c.event("SpawnDialog", "ExistingDirectoryDlg", 'TargetExists=1 and REMOVEOLDVERSION="" and REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT=""', 2)
c.event("SetTargetPath", "TARGETDIR", 'TargetExists=0 or REMOVEOLDVERSION<>"" or REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT<>""', 3)
c.event("SpawnWaitDialog", "WaitForCostingDlg", "CostingComplete=1", 4)
c.event("NewDialog", "SelectFeaturesDlg", 'TargetExists=0 or REMOVEOLDVERSION<>"" or REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT<>""', 5)
#c.event("NewDialog", "PathInfoDlg", "1=1", 5) # Show this once no matter what.
c.event("NewDialog", "PathInfoDlg", 'TargetExists=0 or REMOVEOLDVERSION<>"" or REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT<>""', 5)
# SelectFeaturesDlg is no longer directly shown from here. PathInfoDlg
# currently takes care of showing it.
c = seldlg.cancel("Cancel", "DirectoryCombo")
c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
......@@ -649,6 +654,38 @@ def add_ui(db):
c = seldlg.pushbutton("NewDir", 324, 70, 30, 18, 3, "New", None)
c.event("DirectoryListNew", "0")
# PathInfoDlg
path_dialog = PyDialog(db, "PathInfoDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
"Yes", "No", "Yes")
path_dialog.title("New for Python 3.3")
path_dialog.text("News", 135, 65, 240, 130, 0x30003,
"New in 3.3 is the ability to add [TARGETDIR] to\n"
"your system's Path variable. This option allows you\n"
"to type `python` at a command prompt without\n"
"requiring anything else on your part.\n\n"
"However, users of multiple versions need to be\n"
"aware that this will overrule the behavior of any\n"
"existing Python installations that you have placed\n"
"on the Path.\n\n"
"If you choose to enable this feature, it will be\n"
"applied after you logout."
path_dialog.text("Question", 135, 235, 240, 40, 0x30003,
"{\\VerdanaBold10}Would you like to add Python to the Path?")
c = path_dialog.back("< Back", "No")
c.event("NewDialog", "SelectDirectoryDlg")
c ="Yes", "Back", name="Yes")
c.event("[ModifyPath]", "1", order=1)
c.event("NewDialog", "SelectFeaturesDlg", order=2)
c = path_dialog.cancel("No", "Yes", name="No")
c.event("NewDialog", "SelectFeaturesDlg", order=1)
# SelectFeaturesDlg
features = PyDialog(db, "SelectFeaturesDlg", x, y, w, h, modal|track_disk_space,
......@@ -660,7 +697,7 @@ def add_ui(db):
"Click on the icons in the tree below to change the way features will be installed.")
c=features.back("< Back", "Next")
c.event("NewDialog", "SelectDirectoryDlg")
c.event("NewDialog", "PathInfoDlg")"Next >", "Cancel")
c.mapping("SelectionNoItems", "Enabled")
......@@ -853,8 +890,6 @@ def add_features(db):
private_crt = Feature(db, "PrivateCRT", "MSVCRT", "C Run-Time (private)", 0,
add_data(db, "Condition", [("SharedCRT", 1, sys32cond),
("PrivateCRT", 1, "not "+sys32cond)])
# We don't support advertisement of extensions
ext_feature = Feature(db, "Extensions", "Register Extensions",
"Make this Python installation the default Python installation", 3,
......@@ -879,6 +914,9 @@ def add_features(db):
"prompt without needing the full path.", 13,
parent = default_feature, attributes=2|8,
add_data(db, "Condition", [("SharedCRT", 1, sys32cond),
("PrivateCRT", 1, "not "+sys32cond),
("PrependPath", 1, "ModifyPath='0'")])
def extract_msvcr100():
# Find the redistributable files
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