Commit e4c45aa2 authored by R. David Murray's avatar R. David Murray

Merged revisions 80062 via svnmerge from


  r80062 | r.david.murray | 2010-04-13 16:57:40 -0400 (Tue, 13 Apr 2010) | 2 lines

  Issue #5277: Fix quote counting when parsing RFC 2231 encoded parameters.
parent e9e2da80
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def _parseparam(s):
while s[:1] == ';':
s = s[1:]
end = s.find(';')
while end > 0 and s.count('"', 0, end) % 2:
while end > 0 and (s.count('"', 0, end) - s.count('\\"', 0, end)) % 2:
end = s.find(';', end + 1)
if end < 0:
end = len(s)
......@@ -322,6 +322,14 @@ class TestMessageAPI(TestEmailBase):
self.assertEqual(msg.get_param('name', unquote=False),
def test_get_param_with_quotes(self):
msg = email.message_from_string(
'Content-Type: foo; bar*0="baz\\"foobar"; bar*1="\\"baz"')
self.assertEqual(msg.get_param('bar'), 'baz"foobar"baz')
msg = email.message_from_string(
"Content-Type: foo; bar*0=\"baz\\\"foobar\"; bar*1=\"\\\"baz\"")
self.assertEqual(msg.get_param('bar'), 'baz"foobar"baz')
def test_field_containment(self):
unless = self.assertTrue
msg = email.message_from_string('Header: exists')
......@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ David Cournapeau
Steve Cousins
Alex Coventry
Matthew Dixon Cowles
Ryan Coyner
Christopher A. Craig
Laura Creighton
Simon Cross
......@@ -670,6 +671,7 @@ George Sakkis
Rich Salz
Kevin Samborn
Ilya Sandler
Mark Sapiro
Ty Sarna
Ben Sayer
Michael Scharf
......@@ -312,6 +312,8 @@ C-API
- Issue #5277: Fix quote counting when parsing RFC 2231 encoded parameters.
- Issue #7316: the acquire() method of lock objects in the :mod:`threading`
module now takes an optional timeout argument in seconds. Timeout support
relies on the system threading library, so as to avoid a semi-busy wait
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