Commit e7fefbf6 authored by Mark Hammond's avatar Mark Hammond

Fix bugs:

 457466: popenx() argument mangling hangs python
 226766: popen('python -c"...."') tends to hang

Fixes argument quoting in w9xpopen.exe for Windows 9x.  w9xpopen.exe
also never attempts to display a MessageBox when not executed

Added test_popen() test.  This test currently just executes
"python -c ..." as a child process, and checks that the expected
arguments were all recieved correctly by the child process.  This
test succeeds for me on Win9x, win2k and Linux, and I hope it does
for other popen supported platforms too :)
parent b0aaec57
Test popen:
popen seemed to process the command-line correctly
#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Basic tests for os.popen()
Particularly useful for platforms that fake popen.
import os
import sys
from test_support import TestSkipped
from os import popen
# Test that command-lines get down as we expect.
# To do this we execute:
# python -c "import sys;print sys.argv" {rest_of_commandline}
# This results in Python being spawned and printing the sys.argv list.
# We can then eval() the result of this, and see what each argv was.
def _do_test_commandline(cmdline, expected):
cmd = 'python -c "import sys;print sys.argv" %s' % (cmdline,)
data = popen(cmd).read()
got = eval(data)[1:] # strip off argv[0]
if got != expected:
print "Error in popen commandline handling."
print " executed '%s', expected '%r', but got '%r'" \
% (cmdline, expected, got)
def _test_commandline():
_do_test_commandline("foo bar", ["foo", "bar"])
_do_test_commandline('foo "spam and eggs" "silly walk"', ["foo", "spam and eggs", "silly walk"])
_do_test_commandline('foo "a \\"quoted\\" arg" bar', ["foo", 'a "quoted" arg', "bar"])
print "popen seemed to process the command-line correctly"
def main():
print "Test popen:"
......@@ -3285,9 +3285,15 @@ _PyPopenCreateProcess(char *cmdstring,
s2 = (char *)_alloca(x);
ZeroMemory(s2, x);
/* To maintain correct argument passing semantics,
we pass the command-line as it stands, and allow
quoting to be applied. w9xpopen.exe will then
use its argv vector, and re-quote the necessary
args for the ultimate child process.
s2, x,
"%s \"%s%s%s\"",
"\"%s\" %s%s%s",
......@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
const char *usage =
"This program is used by Python's os.pipe function to\n"
"This program is used by Python's os.popen function to\n"
"to work around a limitation in Windows 95/98. It is\n"
"not designed to be used as stand-alone program.";
......@@ -28,11 +29,56 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
DWORD exit_code=0;
int cmdlen = 0;
int i;
char *cmdline, *cmdlinefill;
if (argc != 2) {
MessageBox(NULL, usage, argv[0], MB_OK);
if (argc < 2) {
if (GetFileType(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))==FILE_TYPE_CHAR)
/* Attached to a console, and therefore not executed by Python
Display a message box for the inquisitive user
MessageBox(NULL, usage, argv[0], MB_OK);
else {
/* Eeek - executed by Python, but args are screwed!
Write an error message to stdout so there is at
least some clue for the end user when it appears
in their output.
A message box would be hidden and blocks the app.
fprintf(stdout, "Internal popen error - no args specified\n%s\n", usage);
return 1;
/* Build up the command-line from the args.
Args with a space are quoted, existing quotes are escaped.
To keep things simple calculating the buffer size, we assume
every character is a quote - ie, we allocate double what we need
in the worst case. As this is only double the command line passed
to us, there is a good chance this is reasonably small, so the total
allocation will almost always be < 512 bytes.
for (i=1;i<argc;i++)
cmdlen += strlen(argv[i])*2 + 3; /* one space, maybe 2 quotes */
cmdline = cmdlinefill = (char *)malloc(cmdlen+1);
if (cmdline == NULL)
return -1;
for (i=1;i<argc;i++) {
const char *arglook;
int bQuote = strchr(argv[i], ' ') != NULL;
if (bQuote)
*cmdlinefill++ = '"';
/* escape quotes */
for (arglook=argv[i];*arglook;arglook++) {
if (*arglook=='"')
*cmdlinefill++ = '\\';
*cmdlinefill++ = *arglook;
if (bQuote)
*cmdlinefill++ = '"';
*cmdlinefill++ = ' ';
*cmdlinefill = '\0';
/* Make child process use this app's standard files. */
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof si);
......@@ -43,13 +89,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
si.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
bRet = CreateProcess(
NULL, argv[1],
NULL, cmdline,
TRUE, 0,
&si, &pi
if (bRet) {
if (WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE) != WAIT_FAILED) {
GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exit_code);
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