Commit e91bb6b5 authored by Yury Selivanov's avatar Yury Selivanov

asyncio: Optimize Task._wakeup

See for details.
parent dcb00bec
......@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ class Task(futures.Future):
def _repr_info(self):
# Private method, do not use it.
info = super()._repr_info()
if self._must_cancel:
......@@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ class Task(futures.Future):
return True
def _step(self, value=None, exc=None):
# Private method, do not use it.
assert not self.done(), \
'_step(): already done: {!r}, {!r}, {!r}'.format(self, value, exc)
if self._must_cancel:
......@@ -284,13 +286,20 @@ class Task(futures.Future):
self = None # Needed to break cycles when an exception occurs.
def _wakeup(self, future):
# Private method, do not use it.
value = future.result()
except Exception as exc:
# This may also be a cancellation.
self._step(None, exc)
self._step(value, None)
# Don't pass the value of `future.result()` explicitly,
# as `Future.__iter__` and `Future.__await__` don't need it.
# If we call `_step(value, None)` instead of `_step()`,
# Python eval loop would use `.send(value)` method call,
# instead of `__next__()`, which is slower for futures
# that return non-generator iterators from their `__iter__`.
self = None # Needed to break cycles when an exception occurs.
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