Commit e9b2a4cb authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Issue #11761: make tests for gc.get_count() less fragile

parents 7cb20a86 b35f29a0
......@@ -239,30 +239,41 @@ class GCTests(unittest.TestCase):
# The following two tests are fragile:
# They precisely count the number of allocations,
# which is highly implementation-dependent.
# For example:
# - disposed tuples are not freed, but reused
# - the call to assertEqual somehow avoids building its args tuple
# For example, disposed tuples are not freed, but reused.
# To minimize variations, though, we first store the get_count() results
# and check them at the end.
def test_get_count(self):
# Avoid future allocation of method object
assertEqual = self._baseAssertEqual
assertEqual(gc.get_count(), (0, 0, 0))
a = dict()
# since gc.collect(), we created two objects:
# the dict, and the tuple returned by get_count()
assertEqual(gc.get_count(), (2, 0, 0))
a, b, c = gc.get_count()
x = []
d, e, f = gc.get_count()
self.assertEqual((b, c), (0, 0))
self.assertEqual((e, f), (0, 0))
# This is less fragile than asserting that a equals 0.
self.assertLess(a, 5)
# Between the two calls to get_count(), at least one object was
# created (the list).
self.assertGreater(d, a)
def test_collect_generations(self):
# Avoid future allocation of method object
assertEqual = self.assertEqual
a = dict()
# This object will "trickle" into generation N + 1 after
# each call to collect(N)
x = []
assertEqual(gc.get_count(), (0, 1, 0))
# x is now in gen 1
a, b, c = gc.get_count()
assertEqual(gc.get_count(), (0, 0, 1))
# x is now in gen 2
d, e, f = gc.get_count()
assertEqual(gc.get_count(), (0, 0, 0))
# x is now in gen 3
g, h, i = gc.get_count()
# We don't check a, d, g since their exact values depends on
# internal implementation details of the interpreter.
self.assertEqual((b, c), (1, 0))
self.assertEqual((e, f), (0, 1))
self.assertEqual((h, i), (0, 0))
def test_trashcan(self):
class Ouch:
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