Commit ea0f7c26 authored by Mariatta's avatar Mariatta Committed by GitHub

bpo-31394: Make tokenize.rst PEP 8-compliant (GH-3526)

The last commit contained lines longer than 80 characters.
parent 5f8fbf91
......@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ implemented in Python. The scanner in this module returns comments as tokens
as well, making it useful for implementing "pretty-printers," including
colorizers for on-screen displays.
To simplify token stream handling, all :ref:`operator <operators>` and :ref:`delimiter <delimiters>`
tokens and :data:`Ellipsis` are returned using the generic :data:`~token.OP` token type. The exact
To simplify token stream handling, all :ref:`operator <operators>` and
:ref:`delimiter <delimiters>` tokens and :data:`Ellipsis` are returned using
the generic :data:`~token.OP` token type. The exact
type can be determined by checking the ``exact_type`` property on the
:term:`named tuple` returned from :func:`tokenize.tokenize`.
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