Commit eaaf8abc authored by Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar Kurt B. Kaiser

Fix typo and update comment obsoleted by 'syntax' patch

parent a49e625f
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Used by the CallTips IDLE extension.
from Tkinter import *
HIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME = "<<caltipwindow-hide>>"
HIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME = "<<calltipwindow-hide>>"
HIDE_SEQUENCES = ("<Key-Escape>", "<FocusOut>")
CHECKHIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME = "<<calltipwindow-checkhide>>"
CHECKHIDE_SEQUENCES = ("<KeyRelease>", "<ButtonRelease>")
......@@ -60,10 +60,7 @@ class CallTip:
self.tipwindow = tw = Toplevel(self.widget)
# XXX 12 Dec 2002 KBK The following command has two effects: It removes
# the calltip window border (good) but also causes (at least on
# Linux) the calltip to show as a top level window, burning through
# any other window dragged over it. Also, shows on all viewports!
# remove border on calltip window
# This command is only needed and available on Tk >= 8.4.0 for OSX
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