Commit eb4c9c77 authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Issue #15392: Do not run tests if threading/_thread not available. Otherwise

touchup test_idle. Rename README.txt.
parent 97345680
# Skip test if tkinter wasn't built or idlelib was deleted.
# Skip test if _tkinter or _thread wasn't built or idlelib was deleted.
from import import_module
import_module('tkinter') # discard return
itdir = import_module('idlelib.idle_test')
import_module('threading') # imported by PyShell, imports _thread
idletest = import_module('idlelib.idle_test')
# Without test_main present, regrtest.runtest_inner (line1219)
# imitates unittest.main by calling
# unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(this_module)
# which look for load_tests and uses it if found.
load_tests = itdir.load_tests
# Without test_main present, regrtest.runtest_inner (line1219) calls
# unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(this_module) which calls
# load_tests() if it finds it. (Unittest.main does the same.)
load_tests = idletest.load_tests
if __name__ == '__main__':
import unittest
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