Commit eb6ef183 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Added interfaces for most of the stuff in QuickTimeComponents.h.

parent 7beaf414
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,15 +8,18 @@ from scantools import Scanner
LONG = "QuickTime"
SHORT = "qt"
OBJECTS = ("Movie", "Track", "Media", "UserData", "TimeBase", "MovieController", "IdleManager")
HEADERFILES= ("Movies.h", "ImageCompression.h", "QuickTimeComponents.h")
OBJECTS = ("Movie", "Track", "Media", "UserData", "TimeBase", "MovieController",
"IdleManager", "SGOutput")
def main():
input = ("Movies.h", "ImageCompression.h")
output = SHORT + ""
defsoutput = TOOLBOXDIR + LONG + ".py"
scanner = MyScanner(input, output, defsoutput)
print "=== Testing definitions output code ==="
execfile(defsoutput, {}, {})
print "=== Done scanning and generating, now importing the generated code... ==="
......@@ -37,9 +40,11 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
def writeinitialdefs(self):
self.defsfile.write("def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x\n")
self.defsfile.write("xmlIdentifierUnrecognized = -1\n")
def makeblacklistnames(self):
return [
"xmlIdentifierUnrecognized", # const with incompatible definition
"DisposeMovie", # Done on python-object disposal
"DisposeMovieTrack", # ditto
"DisposeTrackMedia", # ditto
......@@ -78,6 +83,13 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
# these are ImageCompression blacklists
# QuickTimeComponents
# These two need some help: the first returns a point to a databuffer that
# the second disposes. Generate manually?
"QTVideoOutputGetGWorldParameters", # How useful is this?
def makeblacklisttypes(self):
......@@ -156,6 +168,43 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
"void_ptr", # XXX Being lazy, this one is doable.
# These are from QuickTimeComponents
"VideoBottles", # Record full of UPPs
"ToneDescription", # XXXX Just lazy: this one is easy.
"UInt64", # XXXX lazy
"UInt64_ptr", # XXXX lazy
def makerepairinstructions(self):
......@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ UserData = OpaqueByValueType('UserData', 'UserDataObj')
TimeBase = OpaqueByValueType('TimeBase', 'TimeBaseObj')
MovieController = OpaqueByValueType('MovieController', 'MovieCtlObj')
IdleManager = OpaqueByValueType('IdleManager', 'IdleManagerObj')
SGOutput = OpaqueByValueType('SGOutput', 'SGOutputObj')
# Other opaque objects
Component = OpaqueByValueType('Component', 'CmpObj')
......@@ -127,11 +128,25 @@ CodecComponent = OpaqueByValueType('CodecComponent', 'CmpObj')
GraphicsImportComponent = OpaqueByValueType('GraphicsImportComponent', 'CmpObj')
GraphicsExportComponent = OpaqueByValueType('GraphicsExportComponent', 'CmpObj')
ImageTranscoderComponent = OpaqueByValueType('ImageTranscoderComponent', 'CmpObj')
DataCodecComponent = OpaqueByValueType('DataCodecComponent', 'CmpObj')
GraphicImageMovieImportComponent = OpaqueByValueType('GraphicImageMovieImportComponent', 'CmpObj')
MovieExportComponent = OpaqueByValueType('MovieExportComponent', 'CmpObj')
MovieImportComponent = OpaqueByValueType('MovieImportComponent', 'CmpObj')
QTVideoOutputComponent = OpaqueByValueType('QTVideoOutputComponent', 'CmpObj')
SeqGrabComponent = OpaqueByValueType('SeqGrabComponent', 'CmpObj')
TextExportComponent = OpaqueByValueType('TextExportComponent', 'CmpObj')
TweenerComponent = OpaqueByValueType('TweenerComponent', 'CmpObj')
pnotComponent = OpaqueByValueType('pnotComponent', 'CmpObj')
VideoDigitizerComponent = OpaqueByValueType('VideoDigitizerComponent', 'CmpObj')
ComponentInstance = OpaqueByValueType('ComponentInstance', 'CmpInstObj')
MediaHandler = OpaqueByValueType('MediaHandler', 'CmpInstObj')
DataHandler = OpaqueByValueType('DataHandler', 'CmpInstObj')
SGChannel = OpaqueByValueType('SGChannel', 'CmpInstObj')
ConstFSSpecPtr = FSSpec_ptr
GrafPtr = OpaqueByValueType("GrafPtr", "GrafObj")
Byte = Boolean # XXXX For GetPaused and SetPaused
RgnHandle = OpaqueByValueType("RgnHandle", "ResObj")
PicHandle = OpaqueByValueType("PicHandle", "ResObj")
......@@ -145,6 +160,10 @@ CGrafPtr = OpaqueByValueType("CGrafPtr", "GrafObj")
GDHandle = OpaqueByValueType("GDHandle", "OptResObj")
AliasHandle = OpaqueByValueType("AliasHandle", "ResObj")
SoundDescriptionHandle = OpaqueByValueType("SoundDescriptionHandle", "ResObj")
VdigBufferRecListHandle = OpaqueByValueType("VdigBufferRecListHandle", "ResObj")
VDCompressionListHandle = OpaqueByValueType("VDCompressionListHandle", "ResObj")
TimeCodeDescriptionHandle = OpaqueByValueType("TimeCodeDescriptionHandle", "ResObj")
DataHFileTypeOrderingHandle = OpaqueByValueType("DataHFileTypeOrderingHandle", "ResObj")
# Silly Apple, passing an OStype by reference...
OSType_ptr = OpaqueType("OSType", "PyMac_BuildOSType", "PyMac_GetOSType")
# And even sillier: passing floats by address
......@@ -169,6 +188,7 @@ dataRefAttributesFlags = Type("dataRefAttributesFlags", "l")
playHintsEnum = Type("playHintsEnum", "l")
mediaHandlerFlagsEnum = Type("mediaHandlerFlagsEnum", "l")
ComponentResult = Type("ComponentResult", "l")
VideoDigitizerError = Type("ComponentResult", "l")
HandlerError = Type("HandlerError", "l")
Ptr = InputOnlyType("Ptr", "s")
StringPtr = Type("StringPtr", "s")
......@@ -246,6 +266,20 @@ class IdleManagerObjectDefinition(PEP253Mixin, GlobalObjectDefinition):
return NULL;
class SGOutputObjectDefinition(PEP253Mixin, GlobalObjectDefinition):
# XXXX I'm not sure I fully understand how SGOutput works. It seems it's always tied
# to a specific SeqGrabComponent, but I'm not 100% sure. Also, I'm not sure all the
# routines that return an SGOutput actually return a *new* SGOutput. Need to read up on
# this.
def outputCheckNewArg(self):
Output("""if (itself == NULL) {
PyErr_SetString(Qt_Error,"Cannot create null SGOutput");
return NULL;
# def outputFreeIt(self, itselfname):
# Output("SGDisposeOutput(%s);", itselfname)
# From here on it's basically all boiler plate...
# Create the generator groups and link them
......@@ -257,6 +291,7 @@ UserData_object = UserDataObjectDefinition('UserData', 'UserDataObj', 'UserData'
TimeBase_object = TimeBaseObjectDefinition('TimeBase', 'TimeBaseObj', 'TimeBase')
MovieController_object = MovieCtlObjectDefinition('MovieController', 'MovieCtlObj', 'MovieController')
IdleManager_object = IdleManagerObjectDefinition('IdleManager', 'IdleManagerObj', 'IdleManager')
SGOutput_object = SGOutputObjectDefinition('SGOutput', 'SGOutputObj', 'SGOutput')
......@@ -265,6 +300,10 @@ module.addobject(UserData_object)
# Test which types we are still missing.
execfile(string.lower(MODPREFIX) + '')
# Create the generator classes used to populate the lists
Function = OSErrWeakLinkFunctionGenerator
......@@ -279,6 +318,7 @@ UserData_methods = []
Media_methods = []
Track_methods = []
Movie_methods = []
SGOutput_methods = []
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