Commit ebfaa71c authored by xdegaye's avatar xdegaye Committed by GitHub

bpo-32031: Fix pydoc `test_mixed_case_module_names_are_lower_cased` (GH-4441)

When there is a symlink in the directory path of the standard library.
parent d34d8fc2
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ def get_pydoc_html(module):
def get_pydoc_link(module):
"Returns a documentation web link of a module"
dirname = os.path.dirname
basedir = dirname(dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
basedir = dirname(dirname(__file__))
doc = pydoc.TextDoc()
loc = doc.getdocloc(module, basedir=basedir)
return loc
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