Commit ed0cb6a4 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

\mytableofcontents New macro. Wrapper around \tableofcontents that

	does the right thing if the openright option is given.  Allows a
	lot of crud to be removed from the document files' frontmatter

\endabstract		Extend standard macro.  (Called as \end{abstract}.)
	Does the right thing if the openright option is given.

\optional		Adjust to get the brackets right under latex2e.
parent abf5baaf
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
\newcommand{\optional}[1]{{\ \Large[}{#1}\hspace{0.5mm}{\Large]}\ }
\newcommand{\optional}[1]{{\ \textnormal{\Large[}}{#1}\hspace{0.5mm}{\textnormal{\Large]}}\ }
% same for excdesc
......@@ -253,3 +253,39 @@
% Use a similar trick to catch the end of the {abstract} environment,
% but here make sure the abstract is followed by a blank page if the
% 'openright' option is used.
\typeout{Adding blank page after the abstract.}%
% \mytableofcontents wraps the \tableofcontents macro with all the magic to
% get the spacing right and have the right number of pages if the 'openright'
% option has been used. This eliminates a fair amount of crud in the
% individual document files.
\parskip = 0mm%
\typeout{Adding blank page after the table of contents.}%
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