Commit ed1f7a4b authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Include a link to Francois's po-utils.

parent 065d1ef7
......@@ -315,8 +315,9 @@ doesn't understand the myriad of string types support by Python. The
standard Python distribution provides a tool called
\program{pygettext} that does though (found in the \file{Tools/i18n/}
directory).\footnote{Fran\c cois Pinard has written a program called
\program{xpot} which does a similar job. It is distributed separately
from the Python distribution.
\program{xpot} which does a similar job. It is available as part of
his \program{po-utils} package at
} This is a command line script that
supports a similar interface as \program{xgettext}; see its
documentation for details. Once you've used \program{pygettext} to
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