Commit ed618244 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Paint demo by Dave Mitchell. There's clearly a demand for such a

demo, so here it is.
parent 0bc3570f
""""Paint program by Dave Michell.
Subject: tkinter "paint" example
From: Dave Mitchell <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 12:18:05 -0500 (EST)
Not too long ago (last week maybe?) someone posted a request
for an example of a paint program using Tkinter. Try as I might
I can't seem to find it in the archive, so i'll just post mine
here and hope that the person who requested it sees this!
All this does is put up a canvas and draw a smooth black line
whenever you have the mouse button down, but hopefully it will
be enough to start with.. It would be easy enough to add some
options like other shapes or colors...
dave mitchell
from Tkinter import *
""" not exactly a paint program.. just a smooth line drawing demo."""
b1 = "up"
xold, yold = None, None
def main():
root = Tk()
drawing_area = Canvas(root)
drawing_area.bind("<Motion>", motion)
drawing_area.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", b1down)
drawing_area.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", b1up)
def b1down(event):
global b1
b1 = "down" # you only want to draw when the button is down
# because "Motion" events happen -all the time-
def b1up(event):
global b1, xold, yold
b1 = "up"
xold = None # reset the line when you let go of the button
yold = None
def motion(event):
if b1 == "down":
global xold, yold
if xold != None and yold != None:
# here's where you draw it. smooth. neat.
xold = event.x
yold = event.y
if __name__ == "__main__":
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