Commit ee15aa2b authored by Xtreak's avatar Xtreak Committed by Serhiy Storchaka

[2.7] bpo-35647: Fix path check in cookiejar. (GH-11436) (GH-13427)

parent 979daae3
......@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ class DefaultCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy):
req_path = request_path(request)
if ((cookie.version > 0 or
(cookie.version == 0 and self.strict_ns_set_path)) and
not req_path.startswith(cookie.path)):
not self.path_return_ok(cookie.path, request)):
_debug(" path attribute %s is not a prefix of request "
"path %s", cookie.path, req_path)
return False
......@@ -1191,11 +1191,15 @@ class DefaultCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy):
def path_return_ok(self, path, request):
_debug("- checking cookie path=%s", path)
req_path = request_path(request)
if not req_path.startswith(path):
_debug(" %s does not path-match %s", req_path, path)
return False
return True
pathlen = len(path)
if req_path == path:
return True
elif (req_path.startswith(path) and
(path.endswith("/") or req_path[pathlen:pathlen+1] == "/")):
return True
_debug(" %s does not path-match %s", req_path, path)
return False
def vals_sorted_by_key(adict):
keys = adict.keys()
......@@ -649,6 +649,35 @@ class CookieTests(TestCase):
req = Request("")
self.assertEqual(request_path(req), "/")
def test_path_prefix_match(self):
from cookielib import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy
from urllib2 import Request
pol = DefaultCookiePolicy()
strict_ns_path_pol = DefaultCookiePolicy(strict_ns_set_path=True)
c = CookieJar(pol)
base_url = ""
interact_netscape(c, base_url, 'spam=eggs; Path=/foo')
cookie = c._cookies['']['/foo']['spam']
for path, ok in [('/foo', True),
('/foo/', True),
('/foo/bar', True),
('/', False),
('/foobad/foo', False)]:
url = '{0}{1}'.format(base_url, path)
req = Request(url)
h = interact_netscape(c, url)
if ok:
self.assertIn('spam=eggs', h,
"cookie not set for {0}".format(path))
self.assertTrue(strict_ns_path_pol.set_ok_path(cookie, req))
self.assertNotIn('spam=eggs', h,
"cookie set for {0}".format(path))
self.assertFalse(strict_ns_path_pol.set_ok_path(cookie, req))
def test_request_port(self):
from urllib2 import Request
from cookielib import request_port, DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT
Don't set cookie for a request when the request path is a prefix match of
the cookie's path attribute but doesn't end with "/". Patch by Karthikeyan
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