Commit eebbbf86 authored by Nick Coghlan's avatar Nick Coghlan

Make decimal.ContextManager a private implementation detail of decimal.localcontext()

parent 4ccc4e5a
......@@ -130,9 +130,6 @@ __all__ = [
# helper for context management
# Functions for manipulating contexts
'setcontext', 'getcontext', 'localcontext'
......@@ -501,8 +498,8 @@ def localcontext(ctx=None):
>>> print getcontext().prec
if ctx is None: ctx = getcontext().copy()
return ContextManager(ctx.copy())
if ctx is None: ctx = getcontext()
return _ContextManager(ctx)
##### Decimal class ###########################################
......@@ -2219,30 +2216,14 @@ for name in rounding_functions:
del name, val, globalname, rounding_functions
class ContextManager(object):
class _ContextManager(object):
"""Context manager class to support localcontext().
Sets the supplied context in __enter__() and restores
Sets a copy of the supplied context in __enter__() and restores
the previous decimal context in __exit__()
# The below can't be included in the docstring until Python 2.6
# as the doctest module doesn't understand __future__ statements
Sample usage:
>>> from __future__ import with_statement
>>> print getcontext().prec
>>> ctx = Context(prec=15)
>>> with ContextManager(ctx):
... print getcontext().prec
>>> print getcontext().prec
def __init__(self, new_context):
self.new_context = new_context
self.new_context = new_context.copy()
def __enter__(self):
self.saved_context = getcontext()
......@@ -1068,20 +1068,9 @@ class ContextAPItests(unittest.TestCase):
class WithStatementTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Can't do these as docstrings until Python 2.6
# as doctest can't handle __future__ statements
def test_ContextManager(self):
# The basic context manager uses the supplied context
# without making a copy of it
orig_ctx = getcontext()
new_ctx = Context()
with ContextManager(new_ctx) as enter_ctx:
set_ctx = getcontext()
final_ctx = getcontext()
self.assert_(orig_ctx is final_ctx, 'did not restore context correctly')
self.assert_(new_ctx is set_ctx, 'did not set correct context')
self.assert_(set_ctx is enter_ctx, '__enter__ returned wrong context')
def test_localcontext(self):
# The helper function makes a copy of the supplied context
# Use a copy of the current context in the block
orig_ctx = getcontext()
with localcontext() as enter_ctx:
set_ctx = getcontext()
......@@ -1091,7 +1080,7 @@ class WithStatementTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assert_(set_ctx is enter_ctx, '__enter__ returned wrong context')
def test_localcontextarg(self):
# The helper function makes a copy of the supplied context
# Use a copy of the supplied context in the block
orig_ctx = getcontext()
new_ctx = Context(prec=42)
with localcontext(new_ctx) as enter_ctx:
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