Commit ef16fb66 authored by Walter Dörwald's avatar Walter Dörwald

Port test___future__ to unittest.

parent fe4391b1
#! /usr/bin/env python
from test.test_support import verbose, verify
from types import TupleType, StringType, IntType
import unittest
from test import test_support
import __future__
GOOD_SERIALS = ("alpha", "beta", "candidate", "final")
features = __future__.all_feature_names
# Verify that all_feature_names appears correct.
given_feature_names = features[:]
for name in dir(__future__):
obj = getattr(__future__, name, None)
if obj is not None and isinstance(obj, __future__._Feature):
verify(name in given_feature_names,
"%r should have been in all_feature_names" % name)
verify(len(given_feature_names) == 0,
"all_feature_names has too much: %r" % given_feature_names)
del given_feature_names
for feature in features:
value = getattr(__future__, feature)
if verbose:
print "Checking __future__ ", feature, "value", value
optional = value.getOptionalRelease()
mandatory = value.getMandatoryRelease()
verify(type(optional) is TupleType, "optional isn't tuple")
verify(len(optional) == 5, "optional isn't 5-tuple")
major, minor, micro, level, serial = optional
verify(type(major) is IntType, "optional major isn't int")
verify(type(minor) is IntType, "optional minor isn't int")
verify(type(micro) is IntType, "optional micro isn't int")
verify(isinstance(level, basestring), "optional level isn't string")
verify(level in GOOD_SERIALS,
"optional level string has unknown value")
verify(type(serial) is IntType, "optional serial isn't int")
verify(type(mandatory) is TupleType or
mandatory is None, "mandatory isn't tuple or None")
if mandatory is not None:
verify(len(mandatory) == 5, "mandatory isn't 5-tuple")
major, minor, micro, level, serial = mandatory
verify(type(major) is IntType, "mandatory major isn't int")
verify(type(minor) is IntType, "mandatory minor isn't int")
verify(type(micro) is IntType, "mandatory micro isn't int")
verify(isinstance(level, basestring), "mandatory level isn't string")
verify(level in GOOD_SERIALS,
"mandatory serial string has unknown value")
verify(type(serial) is IntType, "mandatory serial isn't int")
verify(optional < mandatory,
"optional not less than mandatory, and mandatory not None")
verify(hasattr(value, "compiler_flag"),
"feature is missing a .compiler_flag attr")
verify(type(getattr(value, "compiler_flag")) is IntType,
".compiler_flag isn't int")
class FutureTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_names(self):
# Verify that all_feature_names appears correct.
given_feature_names = features[:]
for name in dir(__future__):
obj = getattr(__future__, name, None)
if obj is not None and isinstance(obj, __future__._Feature):
name in given_feature_names,
"%r should have been in all_feature_names" % name
self.assertEqual(len(given_feature_names), 0,
"all_feature_names has too much: %r" % given_feature_names)
def test_attributes(self):
for feature in features:
value = getattr(__future__, feature)
optional = value.getOptionalRelease()
mandatory = value.getMandatoryRelease()
a = self.assert_
e = self.assertEqual
def check(t, name):
a(isinstance(t, tuple), "%s isn't tuple" % name)
e(len(t), 5, "%s isn't 5-tuple" % name)
(major, minor, micro, level, serial) = t
a(isinstance(major, int), "%s major isn't int" % name)
a(isinstance(minor, int), "%s minor isn't int" % name)
a(isinstance(micro, int), "%s micro isn't int" % name)
a(isinstance(level, basestring),
"%s level isn't string" % name)
a(level in GOOD_SERIALS,
"%s level string has unknown value" % name)
a(isinstance(serial, int), "%s serial isn't int" % name)
check(optional, "optional")
if mandatory is not None:
check(mandatory, "mandatory")
a(optional < mandatory,
"optional not less than mandatory, and mandatory not None")
a(hasattr(value, "compiler_flag"),
"feature is missing a .compiler_flag attr")
a(isinstance(getattr(value, "compiler_flag"), int),
".compiler_flag isn't int")
def test_main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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