Commit f0141133 authored by Andrew Svetlov's avatar Andrew Svetlov

Issue #14900: Distuguish call count and primitive call count in pstat output.

Patch by Arne Babenhauserheide.
parent 44c45ba1
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class Stats:
"module" : (((4, 1), ), "file name"),
"name" : (((6, 1), ), "function name"),
"nfl" : (((6, 1),(4, 1),(5, 1),), "name/file/line"),
"pcalls" : (((0,-1), ), "call count"),
"pcalls" : (((0,-1), ), "primitive call count"),
"stdname" : (((7, 1), ), "standard name"),
"time" : (((2,-1), ), "internal time"),
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Chris AtLee
John Aycock
Jan-Hein Bührman
Donovan Baarda
Arne Babenhauserheide
Attila Babo
Alfonso Baciero
Marcin Bachry
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