Commit f04d1bb1 authored by Andrew Svetlov's avatar Andrew Svetlov

Specify which I/O ABC methods have implementations in the docs.

parents c37cfd67 ed636a84
......@@ -185,6 +185,25 @@ interface to a buffered raw stream (:class:`BufferedIOBase`). Finally,
Argument names are not part of the specification, and only the arguments of
:func:`open` are intended to be used as keyword arguments.
The following table summarizes the ABCs provided by the :mod:`io` module:
========================= ================== ======================== ==================================================
ABC Inherits Stub Methods Mixin Methods and Properties
========================= ================== ======================== ==================================================
:class:`IOBase` ``fileno``, ``seek``, ``close``, ``closed``, ``__enter__``,
and ``truncate`` ``__exit__``, ``flush``, ``isatty``, ``__iter__``,
``__next__``, ``readable``, ``readline``,
``readlines``, ``seekable``, ``tell``,
``writable``, and ``writelines``
:class:`RawIOBase` :class:`IOBase` ``readinto`` and Inherited :class:`IOBase` methods, ``read``,
``write`` and ``readall``
:class:`BufferedIOBase` :class:`IOBase` ``detach``, ``read``, Inherited :class:`IOBase` methods, ``readinto``
``read1``, and ``write``
:class:`TextIOBase` :class:`IOBase` ``detach``, ``read``, Inherited :class:`IOBase` methods, ``encoding``,
``readline``, and ``errors``, and ``newlines``
========================= ================== ======================== ==================================================
I/O Base Classes
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