Commit f0daa880 authored by Cheryl Sabella's avatar Cheryl Sabella Committed by Terry Jan Reedy

bpo-32940: IDLE: Simplify StringTranslatePseudoMapping in pyparse (GH-5862)

The new code also runs faster.
parent 45ab51c1
......@@ -8,44 +8,20 @@ import unittest
from idlelib import pyparse
class StringTranslatePseudoMappingTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
whitespace_chars = ' \t\n\r'
cls.preserve_dict = {ord(c): ord(c) for c in whitespace_chars}
cls.default = ord('x')
cls.mapping = pyparse.StringTranslatePseudoMapping(
cls.preserve_dict, default_value=ord('x'))
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.preserve_dict, cls.default, cls.mapping
def test__init__(self):
m = self.mapping
self.assertEqual(m._non_defaults, self.preserve_dict)
self.assertEqual(m._default_value, self.default)
def test__get_item__(self):
self.assertEqual(self.mapping[ord('\t')], ord('\t'))
self.assertEqual(self.mapping[ord('a')], self.default)
def test__len__(self):
self.assertEqual(len(self.mapping), len(self.preserve_dict))
def test__iter__(self):
count = 0
for key, value in self.mapping.items():
self.assertIn(key, self.preserve_dict)
count += 1
self.assertEqual(count, len(self.mapping))
def test_get(self):
self.assertEqual(self.mapping.get(ord('\t')), ord('\t'))
self.assertEqual(self.mapping.get('a'), self.default)
# Default is a parameter, but it isn't used.
self.assertEqual(self.mapping.get('a', default=500), self.default)
class ParseMapTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_parsemap(self):
keepwhite = {ord(c): ord(c) for c in ' \t\n\r'}
mapping = pyparse.ParseMap(keepwhite)
self.assertEqual(mapping[ord('\t')], ord('\t'))
self.assertEqual(mapping[ord('a')], ord('x'))
self.assertEqual(mapping[1000], ord('x'))
def test_trans(self):
# trans is the production instance of ParseMap, used in _study1
parser = pyparse.Parser(4, 4)
self.assertEqual('\t a([{b}])b"c\'d\n'.translate(pyparse.trans),
class PyParseTest(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -152,10 +128,6 @@ class PyParseTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(p.code, code[44:])
def test_tran(self):
self.assertEqual('\t a([{b}])b"c\'d\n'.translate(self.parser._tran),
def test_study1(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
"""Define partial Python code Parser used by editor and hyperparser.
Instances of StringTranslatePseudoMapping are used with str.translate.
Instances of ParseMap are used with str.translate.
The following bound search and match functions are defined:
_synchre - start of popular statement;
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ _itemre - line that may have bracket structure start;
_closere - line that must be followed by dedent.
_chew_ordinaryre - non-special characters.
from import Mapping
import re
import sys
......@@ -101,46 +100,27 @@ _chew_ordinaryre = re.compile(r"""
""", re.VERBOSE).match
class StringTranslatePseudoMapping(Mapping):
r"""Utility class to be used with str.translate()
class ParseMap(dict):
r"""Dict subclass that maps anything not in dict to 'x'.
This Mapping class wraps a given dict. When a value for a key is
requested via __getitem__() or get(), the key is looked up in the
given dict. If found there, the value from the dict is returned.
Otherwise, the default value given upon initialization is returned.
This is designed to be used with str.translate in study1.
Anything not specifically mapped otherwise becomes 'x'.
Example: replace everything except whitespace with 'x'.
This allows using str.translate() to make some replacements, and to
replace all characters for which no replacement was specified with
a given character instead of leaving them as-is.
For example, to replace everything except whitespace with 'x':
>>> whitespace_chars = ' \t\n\r'
>>> preserve_dict = {ord(c): ord(c) for c in whitespace_chars}
>>> mapping = StringTranslatePseudoMapping(preserve_dict, ord('x'))
>>> text = "a + b\tc\nd"
>>> text.translate(mapping)
>>> keepwhite = ParseMap((ord(c), ord(c)) for c in ' \t\n\r')
>>> "a + b\tc\nd".translate(keepwhite)
'x x x\tx\nx'
def __init__(self, non_defaults, default_value):
self._non_defaults = non_defaults
self._default_value = default_value
def _get(key, _get=non_defaults.get, _default=default_value):
return _get(key, _default)
self._get = _get
# Calling this triples access time; see bpo-32940
def __missing__(self, key):
return 120 # ord('x')
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._get(item)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._non_defaults)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._non_defaults)
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self._get(key)
# Map all ascii to 120 to avoid __missing__ call, then replace some.
trans = ParseMap.fromkeys(range(128), 120)
trans.update((ord(c), ord('(')) for c in "({[") # open brackets => '(';
trans.update((ord(c), ord(')')) for c in ")}]") # close brackets => ')'.
trans.update((ord(c), ord(c)) for c in "\"'\\\n#") # Keep these.
class Parser:
......@@ -224,16 +204,6 @@ class Parser:
if lo > 0:
self.code = self.code[lo:]
# Build a translation table to map uninteresting chars to 'x', open
# brackets to '(', close brackets to ')' while preserving quotes,
# backslashes, newlines and hashes. This is to be passed to
# str.translate() in _study1().
_tran = {}
_tran.update((ord(c), ord('(')) for c in "({[")
_tran.update((ord(c), ord(')')) for c in ")}]")
_tran.update((ord(c), ord(c)) for c in "\"'\\\n#")
_tran = StringTranslatePseudoMapping(_tran, default_value=ord('x'))
def _study1(self):
"""Find the line numbers of non-continuation lines.
......@@ -250,7 +220,7 @@ class Parser:
# uninteresting characters. This can cut the number of chars
# by a factor of 10-40, and so greatly speed the following loop.
code = self.code
code = code.translate(self._tran)
code = code.translate(trans)
code = code.replace('xxxxxxxx', 'x')
code = code.replace('xxxx', 'x')
code = code.replace('xx', 'x')
Simplify and rename StringTranslatePseudoMapping in pyparse.
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