Commit f16e75a8 authored by Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar Kurt B. Kaiser

Merge Py Idle changes

Rev 1.4
SF bug 546078:  IDLE calltips cause application error.
Assorted crashes on Windows and Linux when trying to display a very
long calltip, most likely a Tk bug.  Wormed around by clamping the
calltip display to a maximum of 79 characters (why 79? why not ...).

Bugfix candidate, for all Python releases.

Rev 1.5
Remove unnecessary imports
parent 6617cfdd
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# After, which uses ideas gleaned from PySol
# Used by the CallTips IDLE extension.
import os
from Tkinter import *
class CallTip:
......@@ -14,7 +13,13 @@ class CallTip:
self.x = self.y = 0
def showtip(self, text):
# SF bug 546078: IDLE calltips cause application error.
# There were crashes on various Windows flavors, and even a
# crashing X server on Linux, with very long calltips.
if len(text) >= 79:
text = text[:75] + ' ...'
self.text = text
if self.tipwindow or not self.text:
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