Commit f1e3404d authored by Gregory P. Smith's avatar Gregory P. Smith

fix issue23157 - time_hashlib hadn't been ported to Python 3.

parent d1935667
# It's intended that this script be run by hand. It runs speed tests on
# hashlib functions; it does not test for correctness.
import sys, time
import sys
import time
import hashlib
......@@ -9,8 +10,8 @@ def creatorFunc():
raise RuntimeError("eek, creatorFunc not overridden")
def test_scaled_msg(scale, name):
iterations = 106201/scale * 20
longStr = 'Z'*scale
iterations = 106201//scale * 20
longStr = b'Z'*scale
localCF = creatorFunc
start = time.time()
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