Commit f284a0f0 authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner

Issue #22117: Add the new _PyTime_ROUND_FLOOR rounding method for the datetime

module. time.clock_settime() now uses this rounding method instead of
_PyTime_ROUND_DOWN to handle correctly dates before 1970.
parent 42e038ae
......@@ -38,8 +38,12 @@ PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTime_gettimeofday(_PyTime_timeval *tp);
typedef enum {
/* Round towards zero. */
/* Round away from zero. */
/* Round away from zero.
For example, used for timeout to wait "at least" N seconds. */
/* Round towards minus infinity (-inf).
For example, used to read a clock. */
} _PyTime_round_t;
/* Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to time_t. */
......@@ -81,6 +85,9 @@ PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_Init(void);
/****************** NEW _PyTime_t API **********************/
#ifdef PY_INT64_T
/* _PyTime_t: Python timestamp with subsecond precision. It can be used to
store a duration, and so indirectly a date (related to another date, like
UNIX epoch). */
typedef PY_INT64_T _PyTime_t;
#define _PyTime_MIN PY_LLONG_MIN
#define _PyTime_MAX PY_LLONG_MAX
......@@ -28,8 +28,13 @@ class _PyTime(enum.IntEnum):
# Round away from zero
# Round towards -Infinity
class TimeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -631,53 +636,6 @@ class TestPytime(unittest.TestCase):
pytime_object_to_time_t, invalid, rnd)
def test_timeval(self):
from _testcapi import pytime_object_to_timeval
for obj, timeval, rnd in (
# Round towards zero
(0, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(-1, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(-1.0, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(1e-6, (0, 1), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(1e-7, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(-1e-6, (-1, 999999), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(-1e-7, (-1, 999999), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(-1.2, (-2, 800000), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(0.9999999, (0, 999999), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(0.0000041, (0, 4), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(1.1234560, (1, 123456), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(1.1234569, (1, 123456), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(-0.0000040, (-1, 999996), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(-0.0000041, (-1, 999995), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(-1.1234560, (-2, 876544), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
(-1.1234561, (-2, 876543), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
# Round away from zero
(0, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(-1, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(-1.0, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(1e-6, (0, 1), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(1e-7, (0, 1), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(-1e-6, (-1, 999999), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(-1e-7, (-1, 999999), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(-1.2, (-2, 800000), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(0.9999999, (1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(0.0000041, (0, 5), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(1.1234560, (1, 123457), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(1.1234569, (1, 123457), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(-0.0000040, (-1, 999996), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(-0.0000041, (-1, 999995), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(-1.1234560, (-2, 876544), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
(-1.1234561, (-2, 876543), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
with self.subTest(obj=obj, round=rnd, timeval=timeval):
self.assertEqual(pytime_object_to_timeval(obj, rnd), timeval)
rnd = _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN
for invalid in self.invalid_values:
pytime_object_to_timeval, invalid, rnd)
def test_timespec(self):
from _testcapi import pytime_object_to_timespec
......@@ -835,24 +793,31 @@ class TestPyTime_t(unittest.TestCase):
# Conversion giving different results depending on the rounding method
for obj, ts, rnd in (
# close to zero
( 1e-10, 1, UP),
( 1e-10, 0, DOWN),
( 1e-10, 0, FLOOR),
(-1e-10, 0, DOWN),
(-1e-10, -1, UP),
(-1e-10, -1, FLOOR),
# test rounding of the last nanosecond
( 1.1234567899, 1123456790, UP),
( 1.1234567899, 1123456789, DOWN),
( 1.1234567899, 1123456789, FLOOR),
(-1.1234567899, -1123456789, DOWN),
(-1.1234567899, -1123456790, UP),
(-1.1234567899, -1123456790, FLOOR),
# close to 1 second
( 0.9999999999, 1000000000, UP),
( 0.9999999999, 999999999, DOWN),
( 0.9999999999, 999999999, FLOOR),
(-0.9999999999, -999999999, DOWN),
(-0.9999999999, -1000000000, UP),
(-0.9999999999, -1000000000, FLOOR),
with self.subTest(obj=obj, round=rnd, timestamp=ts):
self.assertEqual(PyTime_FromSecondsObject(obj, rnd), ts)
......@@ -924,18 +889,23 @@ class TestPyTime_t(unittest.TestCase):
for ns, tv, rnd in (
# nanoseconds
(1, (0, 1), UP),
(1, (0, 0), DOWN),
(1, (0, 0), FLOOR),
(-1, (0, 0), DOWN),
(-1, (-1, 999999), UP),
(-1, (-1, 999999), FLOOR),
# seconds + nanoseconds
(1234567001, (1, 234568), UP),
(1234567001, (1, 234567), DOWN),
(1234567001, (1, 234567), FLOOR),
(-1234567001, (-2, 765433), DOWN),
(-1234567001, (-2, 765432), UP),
(-1234567001, (-2, 765432), FLOOR),
with self.subTest(nanoseconds=ns, timeval=tv, round=rnd):
self.assertEqual(PyTime_AsTimeval(ns, rnd), tv)
......@@ -2634,7 +2634,8 @@ run_in_subinterp(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
static int
check_time_rounding(int round)
if (round != _PyTime_ROUND_DOWN && round != _PyTime_ROUND_UP) {
if (round != _PyTime_ROUND_DOWN && round != _PyTime_ROUND_UP
&& round != _PyTime_ROUND_FLOOR) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "invalid rounding");
return -1;
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ time_clock_settime(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iO:clock_settime", &clk_id, &obj))
return NULL;
if (_PyTime_FromSecondsObject(&t, obj, _PyTime_ROUND_DOWN) < 0)
if (_PyTime_FromSecondsObject(&t, obj, _PyTime_ROUND_FLOOR) < 0)
return NULL;
if (_PyTime_AsTimespec(t, &tp) == -1)
......@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ parse_time_t_args(PyObject *args, char *format, time_t *pwhen)
whent = time(NULL);
else {
if (_PyTime_ObjectToTime_t(ot, &whent, _PyTime_ROUND_DOWN) == -1)
if (_PyTime_ObjectToTime_t(ot, &whent, _PyTime_ROUND_FLOOR) == -1)
return 0;
*pwhen = whent;
......@@ -260,6 +260,14 @@ _PyTime_overflow(void)
"timestamp too large to convert to C _PyTime_t");
_PyTime_RoundTowardsInfinity(int is_neg, _PyTime_round_t round)
if (round == _PyTime_ROUND_FLOOR)
return 0;
return ((round == _PyTime_ROUND_UP) ^ is_neg);
_PyTime_FromNanoseconds(PY_LONG_LONG ns)
......@@ -314,7 +322,7 @@ _PyTime_FromSecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t, PyObject *obj, _PyTime_round_t round)
d = PyFloat_AsDouble(obj);
d *= 1e9;
if ((round == _PyTime_ROUND_UP) ^ (d < 0))
if (_PyTime_RoundTowardsInfinity(d < 0, round))
d = ceil(d);
d = floor(d);
......@@ -380,7 +388,7 @@ _PyTime_Multiply(_PyTime_t t, unsigned int multiply, _PyTime_round_t round)
_PyTime_t k;
if (multiply < SEC_TO_NS) {
k = SEC_TO_NS / multiply;
if (round == _PyTime_ROUND_UP)
if (_PyTime_RoundTowardsInfinity(t < 0, round))
return (t + k - 1) / k;
return t / k;
......@@ -397,6 +405,7 @@ _PyTime_AsMilliseconds(_PyTime_t t, _PyTime_round_t round)
return _PyTime_Multiply(t, 1000, round);
/* FIXME: write unit tests */
_PyTime_AsMicroseconds(_PyTime_t t, _PyTime_round_t round)
......@@ -439,7 +448,7 @@ _PyTime_AsTimeval(_PyTime_t t, struct timeval *tv, _PyTime_round_t round)
res = -1;
if ((round == _PyTime_ROUND_UP) ^ (tv->tv_sec < 0))
if (_PyTime_RoundTowardsInfinity(tv->tv_sec < 0, round))
tv->tv_usec = (int)((ns + US_TO_NS - 1) / US_TO_NS);
tv->tv_usec = (int)(ns / US_TO_NS);
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