Commit f355d43c authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Add a test of interaction between & and extra replacements.

Remove extra noise from the output when there are no errors, and say more
in the exception when there are errors.
parent b062a766
......@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@ import os
# ===== Utilities
tests = 0
fails = 0
failures = []
def confirm(outcome, name):
global tests, fails
global tests
tests = tests + 1
if outcome:
print "Passed", name
if verbose:
print "Failed", name
print "Failed", name
fails = fails + 1
def test_make_parser2():
......@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ def test_unescape_all():
def test_unescape_extra():
return unescape("Hei p deg", {"" : "å"}) == "Hei på deg"
def test_unescape_amp_extra():
return unescape("&foo;", {"&foo;": "splat"}) == "&foo;"
# ===== quoteattr
def test_quoteattr_basic():
......@@ -650,6 +653,8 @@ for (name, value) in items:
if name[ : 5] == "test_":
confirm(value(), name)
print "%d tests, %d failures" % (tests, fails)
if fails != 0:
raise TestFailed, "%d of %d tests failed" % (fails, tests)
if verbose:
print "%d tests, %d failures" % (tests, len(failures))
if failures:
raise TestFailed("%d of %d tests failed: %s"
% (len(failures), tests, ", ".join(failures)))
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