Commit f443df05 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

do_project(): Modernized the code.

parent da2b74f7
......@@ -301,14 +301,17 @@ def do_content(library, version, output) :
content(book[0], book[3], output)
def do_project( library, output, arch, version) :
# Fill in the [FILES] section of the project (.hhp) file.
# 'library' is the list of directory description tuples from
# supported_libraries for the version of the docs getting generated.
def do_project(library, output, arch, version):
output.write(project_template % locals())
for book in library :
for page in os.listdir(book[0]) :
if page[string.rfind(page, '.'):] == '.html' or \
page[string.rfind(page, '.'):] == '.css':
output.write(book[0]+ '\\' + page + '\n')
for book in library:
directory = book[0]
path = directory + '\\%s\n'
for page in os.listdir(directory):
if page.endswith('.html') or page.endswith('.css'):
output.write(path % page)
def openfile(file) :
......@@ -385,5 +388,3 @@ def do_it(args = None) :
if __name__ == '__main__' :
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