Commit f49a9134 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Mark treatment of binary operators for __rop__-before-__op__ as done.

Add more detail about the speed optimizations needed for __dynamic__.
The weak reference solution becomes more attractive...
parent da21c011
......@@ -4,13 +4,19 @@ Project: core implementation
Still to do
Treat all binary operators the same way as I just did for rich
comparison: in a <op> b, if isinstance(b, type(a)), try b.__rop__(a)
before trying a.__op__(b).
Make __dynamic__ the default (this requires more performance work --
one particular test, test_descr.inherits(), is about 10x slower when
__dynamic__ is 1. :-(
__dynamic__ is 1. :-( There are two ways to go about the performance
a) Add shortcuts to the slot_tp_XXX to recognize a PyWrapperDescr
with the correct wrap_tp_XXX function.
b) Add a list or dict of weak refs to derived classes to each dynamic
class, and trap setattr+delattr on the base class so that they
update the tp_XXX slot in each derived class when the base class
__XXX__ gets set or deleted. More work, but more gain (zero waste
in slot_tp_XXX when __XXX__ is not overridden).
Add __del__ handlers.
......@@ -33,6 +39,10 @@ implemented.
Done (mostly)
Treat all binary operators the same way as I just did for rich
comparison: in a <op> b, if type(a) is not type(b) and isinstance(b,
type(a)), try b.__rop__(a) before trying a.__op__(b). *** Done. ***
Fix comparisons. There's some nasty stuff here: when two types are
not the same, and they're not instances, the fallback code doesn't
account for the possibility that they might be subtypes of a common
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