Commit f4dd65db authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Copy section on generators from the 2.2 document with a bit of rewriting

Add an item
parent 338e010b
......@@ -32,6 +32,155 @@ implementation and design rationale for a change, refer to the PEP for
a particular new feature.
\section{PEP 255: Simple Generators}
In Python 2.2, generators were added as an optional feature, to be
enabled by a \code{from __future__ import generators} directive. In
2.3 generators no longer need to be specially enabled, and are now
always present; this means that \keyword{yield} is now always a
keyword. The rest of this section is a copy of the description of
generators from the ``What's New in Python 2.2'' document; if you read
it when 2.2 came out, you can skip the rest of this section.
Generators are a new feature that interacts with the iterators
introduced in Python 2.2.
You're doubtless familiar with how function calls work in Python or
C. When you call a function, it gets a private namespace where its local
variables are created. When the function reaches a \keyword{return}
statement, the local variables are destroyed and the resulting value
is returned to the caller. A later call to the same function will get
a fresh new set of local variables. But, what if the local variables
weren't thrown away on exiting a function? What if you could later
resume the function where it left off? This is what generators
provide; they can be thought of as resumable functions.
Here's the simplest example of a generator function:
def generate_ints(N):
for i in range(N):
yield i
A new keyword, \keyword{yield}, was introduced for generators. Any
function containing a \keyword{yield} statement is a generator
function; this is detected by Python's bytecode compiler which
compiles the function specially as a result.
When you call a generator function, it doesn't return a single value;
instead it returns a generator object that supports the iterator
protocol. On executing the \keyword{yield} statement, the generator
outputs the value of \code{i}, similar to a \keyword{return}
statement. The big difference between \keyword{yield} and a
\keyword{return} statement is that on reaching a \keyword{yield} the
generator's state of execution is suspended and local variables are
preserved. On the next call to the generator's \code{.next()} method,
the function will resume executing immediately after the
\keyword{yield} statement. (For complicated reasons, the
\keyword{yield} statement isn't allowed inside the \keyword{try} block
of a \code{try...finally} statement; read \pep{255} for a full
explanation of the interaction between \keyword{yield} and
Here's a sample usage of the \function{generate_ints} generator:
>>> gen = generate_ints(3)
>>> gen
<generator object at 0x8117f90>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "<stdin>", line 2, in generate_ints
You could equally write \code{for i in generate_ints(5)}, or
\code{a,b,c = generate_ints(3)}.
Inside a generator function, the \keyword{return} statement can only
be used without a value, and signals the end of the procession of
values; afterwards the generator cannot return any further values.
\keyword{return} with a value, such as \code{return 5}, is a syntax
error inside a generator function. The end of the generator's results
can also be indicated by raising \exception{StopIteration} manually,
or by just letting the flow of execution fall off the bottom of the
You could achieve the effect of generators manually by writing your
own class and storing all the local variables of the generator as
instance variables. For example, returning a list of integers could
be done by setting \code{self.count} to 0, and having the
\method{next()} method increment \code{self.count} and return it.
However, for a moderately complicated generator, writing a
corresponding class would be much messier.
\file{Lib/test/} contains a number of more
interesting examples. The simplest one implements an in-order
traversal of a tree using generators recursively.
# A recursive generator that generates Tree leaves in in-order.
def inorder(t):
if t:
for x in inorder(t.left):
yield x
yield t.label
for x in inorder(t.right):
yield x
Two other examples in \file{Lib/test/} produce
solutions for the N-Queens problem (placing $N$ queens on an $NxN$
chess board so that no queen threatens another) and the Knight's Tour
(a route that takes a knight to every square of an $NxN$ chessboard
without visiting any square twice).
The idea of generators comes from other programming languages,
especially Icon (\url{}), where the
idea of generators is central. In Icon, every
expression and function call behaves like a generator. One example
from ``An Overview of the Icon Programming Language'' at
\url{} gives an idea of
what this looks like:
sentence := "Store it in the neighboring harbor"
if (i := find("or", sentence)) > 5 then write(i)
In Icon the \function{find()} function returns the indexes at which the
substring ``or'' is found: 3, 23, 33. In the \keyword{if} statement,
\code{i} is first assigned a value of 3, but 3 is less than 5, so the
comparison fails, and Icon retries it with the second value of 23. 23
is greater than 5, so the comparison now succeeds, and the code prints
the value 23 to the screen.
Python doesn't go nearly as far as Icon in adopting generators as a
central concept. Generators are considered a new part of the core
Python language, but learning or using them isn't compulsory; if they
don't solve any problems that you have, feel free to ignore them.
One novel feature of Python's interface as compared to
Icon's is that a generator's state is represented as a concrete object
(the iterator) that can be passed around to other functions or stored
in a data structure.
\seepep{255}{Simple Generators}{Written by Neil Schemenauer, Tim
Peters, Magnus Lie Hetland. Implemented mostly by Neil Schemenauer
and Tim Peters, with other fixes from the Python Labs crew.}
\section{New and Improved Modules}
......@@ -80,9 +229,12 @@ seconds instead of 57 seconds on my machine (with Py_DEBUG defined).
% ======================================================================
\section{C Interface Changes}
Patch \#527027: Allow building python as shared library with
pymalloc is now enabled by default (also mention debug-mode pymalloc)
Memory API reworking
Memory API reworking -- which functions are deprecated?
PyObject_DelItemString() added
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